(Corrected: The mayor of Bernie is David Teeters)
BERNIE, Mo. -- In a brief regular meeting Monday night, the Bernie Board of Aldermen awarded the catering for their Christmas party and approved Christmas bonuses for city employees.
The city received two bids for catering the Christmas party, and voted to hire Three Tempting Tarts Catering which was the low bidder at $11 per plate. The bid was based on 100 in attendance. The company is owned by Linda Summers from Bernie, Diane Walker and Shelley Ranberger of Holcomb.
The first bid opened by Mayor David Teeters was from Bernie Express. The bid was for a buffet featuring ham and pork tenderloin, along with sides and desserts. The bid was for $11.75, which included gratuity.
The second bid was from Three Tempting Tarts Catering, which submitted three bids. The first bid included a choice of meats, sides, desserts and soft drinks at a cost of $11 per plate which also included gratuity. The second bid was for $10.50 which featured kettle beef and ham and the third bid was for $10 to provide a variety of pasta entrees.
The aldermen chose to go with the $11 bid. They chose turkey and ham and also which sides they wanted. The bid included a table with cakes, pies and other desserts.
The vote was unanimous, although Alderman Tim Gage voiced a concern that the city should give preference to city businesses.
The aldermen voted to award Christmas bonuses based on the number of years the employee has worked for the city. The past bonus structure by the city is a $30 bonus the first year and $3.50 for each subsequent year worked by an employee.
In other action, the aldermen voted to hire Alex Collier as a full-time communications officer and part-time patrolman. Aldermen Ivan Mekan recommended hiring Collier who he said has been a reserve officer and "a very good young man." He will replace Danielle Terrell as communications officer. Terrell left the area, according to Mekan.
Alderman Todd Young made the motion to hire Collier, and it passed by a 6-vote. Present were Mekan, Gage, Young, Ray Coats, Barry Zimmerman and Dennis Jackson.
City Superintendent Charlie Dean said a part-time employee hired in the maintenance department had not worked out, and he wanted the aldermen to approve hiring Greg Martin to replace him. He said Martin was willing to work three days a week, and would be a back-up in the event he was needed. He said he had experience in electrical work and construction.
Coats questioned whether a part-time maintenance worker was needed during the winter months. Dean said there was a need for an employee three days a week, and he would also be cross-trained to fill in for any employee that might miss work.
"Are we doing some cross-training in the maintenance department?" asked Gage.
Dean said his employees were being cross-trained.
Gage made the motion to hire Martin as part-time maintenance employee retroactive to Oct. 30, and it passed by a 6-0 vote.
The aldermen also approved allowing the Community Building Committee to use the city Sam's Club credit card to purchase tables for the center, with the committee to reimburse the city for any purchases. City Clerk Gloria Dean said multiple signatures are needed on committee checks, which made it difficult. She said the tables were needed, and it would be more convenient to use the card.