Dexter Police
Oct. 11-13, 2014
* Jesse Dean Barnes was arrested at 2:52 p.m. on Oct. 10 for failure to appear.
* Bennie L. Wells, 43, of Bloomfield was arrested at 718 W. Oak St. at 1 a.m. Saturday. He is charged with resisting/interfering with a misdemeanor arrest.
* Jason A. Fields, 26, of Dexter was arrested at 13166 Hwy. 25 at 1:07 a.m. Saturday on a warrant service.
* Tyler J. Dixon, 21, of Bloomfield was arrested on Highway 60 at 2:08 p.m. Saturday on a warrant service.
* Police investigated a burglary at 7:30 p.m. Saturday at 1107 N. Harris Dr. after items were reportedly stolen from a storage unit after a lock was cut.
* Angela M. Gardner, 34, of Dexter was arrested as 1200 N. One Mile Rd. at 1:52 a.m. Sunday.
* Carlotta R. Diebold, 44, of Dexter was arrested on N. Mulberry St. at 5:03 p.m. Sunday on a warrant service.
Stoddard County
Oct. 11-13, 2014
* Marcrease Lelance Farmer, 29, of Malden was arrested on a warrant for second degree burglary. Bond was set at $25,000 cash. He awaits extradition to Forrest City, Mo.
* Brian James Grimes, 28, of Dudley was arrested on a warrant for domestic assault. Bond was set at $5,000, and he remains in the county jail.
Highway Patrol
Oct. 11-13, 2014
* No further arrests