When Dexter Elk Lodge Veterans Committee Chair Shirley Alexander kicked off a local effort to help soldiers overseas by collecting used cellphones, she -- along with all who have assisted with the effort -- couldn't have known the impact their donations would have. Alexander recently received word from the Cell Phones for Soldiers headquarters in Norwell, Maine, expressing their thanks for having sent over 200 pounds of used cellphones over the past seven months.
Thus far, donations that have been made through the local Elks Lodge #2439 have generated calling cards equipped with more than 20,000 free minutes to American soldiers serving in combat areas overseas.
The Cell Phones for Soldiers project was begun by brother and sister, Robbie and Brittany Bergquist 10 years ago. The pair were just 12 and 13 years old then they founded the non-profit group. Assisted by a host of volunteers and family members, the pair still runs the charity from their home.
The concept is a simple one. Used cell phones and iPads are collected and shipped to the company, regardless of their condition. They are then sold to be refurbished or recycled, with all the profits from those sales coming back to the company which in turn purchases calling cards for overseas veterans serving in an area of combat.
Thanking Alexander and the local Elks for their efforts, Joe Morrow of Cell Phone for Soldiers confirmed, "The cell phones your organization and community have collected for our brave soldiers will provide 20,000 minutes of free talk time for our troops to connect with their loved ones here at home. Your donation has a significant impact on the morale and well-being of our troops who are stations abroad for long periods of time."
Alexander suggests that those donating phones first remove the sim card from their phones if they have one, and advises also that phone owners might wish to see their service provider before donating the phones in order to restore their phone to factory default settings. That process assures information will not easily be attained from any donated item.
A donation box is affixed at the north front entrance of the Dexter Elks Lodge at 325 N. Two Mile Road in Dexter.