Dexter Police
July 22, 2014
* Charles W. Berry, 51, of Dexter was arrested on July 17 for possession of a controlled substance, a Class C felony. He was transferred to the county jail where his bond was set at $12,500 cash only. He remains in jail.
* Jacob Kendall Williams, 19, of Dexter was arrested at Arvin and Harris Dr. at 12:16 a.m. July 18 for being a minor in possession of liquor by consumption.
* Amber Nichole Ball, 21, of Oceanside, Calif. was arrested at Walmart at 12:34 p.m. Friday, charged with stealing.
* Steven Robert Karstetter, 28, of Dexter was charged on July 18 with third degree domestic assault and endangering the welfare of a child.
* Linda Harlacher of Dexter reported to police that her vehicle was struck on the Town & Country parking lot byan unknown vehicle.
* Jennifer L. Hampton, 29, and Jimmy W. Hampton, Jr., 30, both of Dexter were issued summonses for third degree domestic assault at 104 S. Park Ave. at 8:50 p.m.Monday.
* Theft from a parked vehicle was reoprted to have occurred Monday at 1523 W. Business 60 around 4 p.m.
Stoddard County
July 22, 2014
* Edward Joseph Nevel, Jr. 30, of St. Charles, Mo., was arrested for non-support (Bond $10,000) and for failure to appear (Bond $1,500). He remains in jail.
Highway Patrol
July 22, 2014
* No arrests for the period.