It's July and almost time for the 6th Annual Greenwing Event at Otter Slough. The Dexter Chapter of Ducks Unlimited and the Missouri Department of Conservation provide this unique opportunity each year during late July at Otter Slough Conservation Area. The 2014 event is Saturday, July 26, beginning at 7 am.
The event is free and open to the public. Attendees should plan to meet on the large parking lot next to Cypress Lake. Department of Conservation biologists will be on hand to demonstrate electrofishing techniques in Cypress Lake.
"Everyone in attendance will have a front row seat while fisheries biologists run a shocking boat along the shoreline," says Conservation Agent Mark Reed. "Meanwhile, MDC staff and Ducks Unlimited volunteers will be checking traps for mourning doves and wood ducks. Any ducks and doves trapped that morning will be brought to the headquarters to be banded and released. We hope to capture enough birds to allow each youth to help band and release their own dove or duck."
Reed noted that trapping ducks and doves can be unpredictable.
"We currently have mourning doves and wood ducks hitting bait sites regularly so keep your wings crossed. Regardless of trapping success, this will be an excellent opportunity to spend some quality family time in the outdoors and meet Conservation Department and Ducks Unlimited folks in person." A host of other activities are planned for the Saturday event, and Ducks Unlimited has provided giveaways for those in attendance. The day's activities should be completed by 10 a.m., depending upon weather and trapping success.
For more information please contact Mark Reed at 573-421-3240, Otter Slough at 573-624-5821, or Mike Wilburn at 573-421-3713.