Dexter Police
June 9, 2014
* Brittney N. Laxton, 24, of Dexter was placed under arrest Monday at 1:11 p.m. at the local Probation and Parole office on a warrant service.
* Charles D. McRay, Jr., 41, of Dexter was issued a summons for illegal dumping at 1:54 p.m. Monday.
* Jeffrey L. Cook, 37, of Dexter was arrested for driving while suspended or revoked and possession of marijuana (less than 35 grams) at 6:08 p.m. Monday. He was picked up at One Mile Rd. and Business Hwy. 60.
Stoddard County
June 9, 2014
* No report
Highway Patrol
June 9, 2014
* Logan M. Potter, 19, of Scott City sustained minor injuries in a wreck at 5:05 p.m. Monday on Highway 25, five miles south of Dexter. According to the patrol, Potter was a passenger in a northbound 2006 Chevrolet Impala driven by Jackson A. Simmons, 34, of Dudley when the vehicle ran off the left side of the roadway and struck an electrical box. Potter was taken by ambulance to SouthweastHEALTH Center of Stoddard County for treatment.