BLOOMFIELD, Mo. -- The Stoddard County Commission will open bids for construction of bridges on County Road 784 and County Road 754 on May 5 at the Commission Room in the Government Building. The two bridges are being advertised for bids as one project. The commission held their regular meeting Monday morning.
The bridge on CR 784 is in LaValle Special Road District and the one on CR 754 is in Elk Township. They were the first two bridges to be programmed for replacement using Off-System Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program (BRO) funds. These funds come from the federal government, administered through the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT).
The new bridge on CR 784 will be 40 feet in length and made of pre-stressed concrete beams. The new bridge on CR 754 will be 54 feet in length and made of pre-stressed concrete beams. The county began the process of having the bridges replaced in 2012. Final approval from both the Federal Highway Administration and MoDOT came last month.
In other business, the commission received a list of repairs and improvements to the Justice Center from all the offices in that building.
Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis said he had spoken with Steve Brown of Brown Construction about fixing a leak in the Justice Center. He said Brown was to consult with Helitech about the leak that is coming into the Juvenile Detention Center in the basement of the building. The leak is coming from the ground level.
"We need to see what direction we are going," said Mathis about the leak, noting that leaks need to be fixed before ceiling tile is replaced.
Building Superintendent William Dowdy said Pyramid Roofing had looked at the roof and found a major leak around a conduit for an HVAC unit and also some very small leaks from "fish eyes" on the roof. Dowdy explained the the roof membrane consists of very tiny "dimples." He said the roof shrinks and expands which can cause tiny tears in the membrane and lead to leaks. He said Pyramid had found several of these tears and had fixed them, along with fixing the leak around the conduit.
"Do we know if it is still leaking," asked Mathis.
"Today it is fixed," replied Dowdy. "We will know more after the first big rain."
Dowdy reviewed some of the request for repairs by office holders in the Justice Center and discussed some of them with the commission. Many of the requests were for painting, maintenance and replacement of ceiling tiles.
Mathis asked how many matching ceiling tiles the county had, and Dowdy said he had a case (12 to 14) tiles. There was some discussion about water coolers, repairs to some doors in the courtrooms and the need for another security camera in the classroom of the Detention Center.
Dowdy said some of the things listed had already been accomplished.
The commission took no action, but noted they would review the requests.
Mathis asked about a bill received for computer work at the County Archives.
Commissioner Danny Talkington said one of the computers was not able to be accessed. He said some files had been cleared from the computer, but the technician was able to recover them from the backup system.
Mathis left the commission to speak with Archive employee Sandra Borders and returned later. He said Borders had told him there were two computers in Archives and one was used by an employee that had left. Borders was unable to gain access to one of the computers because she did not know the password. He said needed files had to be recovered from an external hard drive.