April 22, 2014

Several changes have taken place recently at the Daily Statesman, with the naming recently of a new publisher, Sheila Rouse, and the move to a four-day a week paper that is entirely post office delivered. A few additional changes are announced this week. Effective immediately, The Daily Statesman will no longer be charging a fee for the publication of engagement or wedding announcements. Anniversary announcements will still be accepted at no charge...

Several changes have taken place recently at the Daily Statesman, with the naming recently of a new publisher, Sheila Rouse, and the move to a four-day a week paper that is entirely post office delivered.

A few additional changes are announced this week. Effective immediately, The Daily Statesman will no longer be charging a fee for the publication of engagement or wedding announcements. Anniversary announcements will still be accepted at no charge.

Additionally, the paper will begin publishing, free of charge, children's birthday announcements from ages one through eight. All birthday photos must be emailed to dlovins@dailystatesman.com for inclusion in the Sunday edition. A photograph, the child's name and birthdate are all that will be needed for publication. No other information will be printed with the birthday photo.The paper will only be publishing these on Sundays, with the deadline being the Thursday before the date of publication. The paper encourages parents and grandparents to submit their photos for inclusion in the paper's birthday greeting segment. A form for birthday submissions is available at www.daily

In May, The Daily Statesman will be publishing a Kindergarten Graduation tab, featuring group photos of each kindergarten graduating class in Stoddard County. Schools will be contacted in the days ahead regarding photo taking of their kindergarten graduates.

For many years the paper has published high school graduation photos from each Stoddard County school, and that tradition will continue.
