4:30 Maggie Thorn
5:30 Carrilo Martial Arts
6:00 Opening ceremony
boy scout troop 200 --
presenting the colors
Central Song Makers --
national anthem
Prayer --
Father David Dohogne
6:30 Introduction of
teams, survivors,
care giver lap
7:00 Live auction
8:30 Black Island Band
9:15 Flashback Band
10:00 luminary
ceremony introduction
by lauren thrower
11:00 talent show
(sponsored by 4
Oaks Hospice)
11:30 Rebecca Northern
12:15 Miss Relay
(Sponsored by Liberty
Hill General Baptist)
1:00 80's Dance Party/
clean up park
1:30 Closing Ceremony
Survivor Appreciation
Tent open at 4pm
Corporate Sponsor
Appreciation Tent
open at 4pm
If you wish make a donation or would like more information about relay for life contact co-chairman Belinda Worley at 421-1100 or co-chairman Jennifer Hartlein at 614-9093.
Bank Night: Monday April 28, 2014 at First Midwest Bank
Survivor Dinner: Tuesday April 29, 2014 at LightHouse Church at 6pm for more information call survivor chairman Nikki Finch @614-1401