BLOOMFIELD, Mo. -- Stoddard County Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis asked that a "punch list" of repairs that need be made in the Justice Center be compiled and work completed to make those repairs. His request came at the regular meeting of the Stoddard County Commission Monday morning.
Some of the known repairs needed at the Justice Center included repairing a leaking roof, loose tiles in a hallway, a sink in a restroom and replacing some lights in the courtroom and judges' offices.
Building Superintendent William Dowdy said Pyramid Roofing in Sikeston was supposed to be coming to look at the roof. He said he had tried to determine where water was was coming into the building, but could not. Dowdy said a representative of Pyramid was supposed to come last week, but had rescheduled for early this week. He said the leak appeared to be a near a RTC unit.
Mathis noted that two lights were out in Courtroom A and other lights were out in both Judge Joe Satterfield and Judge Rob Mayer's offices. He said some tiles were loose in the hallway near the courtrooms, and also that the sink in the public restroom had pulled away from the wall and needed to be fixed.
Dowdy said floor tiles came loose as a result of the mold remediation in the Justice Center. He said others had come loose due to "heavy traffic." Dowdy told the commission that the sink had been fixed several times before, but due to the design the sink pulled away from the wall repeatedly. He suggested they replace the sink.
Commissioner Danny Talkington asked how the sink was attached to the wall. Dowdy explained the hardware, which he said would not hold the sink against the wall. Talkington suggested that a "tie" could be made on the attachment mechanism that would keep the hardware from slipping.
Mathis said the Justice Center had transitioned to paperless record keeping, and much of the old shelving had been removed. He said the walls looked bad because of the difference in colors of the walls, and they needed to be repainted.
Commissioner Carol Jarrell agreed, noting that the color differences did not give a good appearance for those visiting the Center.
Mathis said he would have the commission secretary prepare a document to be distributed to offices in the Justice Center to develop a "punch list" of things that need repairing.
"We have been putting stuff off for too long," commented Mathis.
Dowdy asked if putting a new ceiling in an area of the Juvenile Detention Center was part of the repairs.
Mathis said he would like to see that happen.
Dowdy said there was a problem with replacing the ceiling when it was brought up before. He said a room discovered during the mold remediation process was above the basement ceiling, and Architect Dale Rogers was concerned that it created a fire safety problem. He said Rogers had made recommendations about what needed to be done to prevent the room from creating a "chimney effect" in the event of a fire.
Mathis said he did not recall a problem surfacing about the ceiling in the Detention Center.
"I want it fixed," Mathis said of the issues in the Justice Center building.
In another matter, Dowdy reported that NewWave Communications had completed upgrades to the internet system in the Government Building. He said they found that County Recorder Kay Asbell was on separate internet system, having her own modem. He said the improvements included installing WiFi, but that had not been completed. He said the internet service should be faster.
The commission is developing a plan to create a storage area in the Justice Center for old records. The area will be near the old Alternate School location.
Mathis said since the courts have gone paperless, the old records were to be moved to the storage area. He said a sliding shelf system was needed, so a proposal needed to be obtained from an outside company. He asked that the commission get some proposals for installing a shelving system.
Talkington said it was critical that the shelving been installed correctly, and agreed that a proposal was needed.
In other business, Talkington said he received a letter from the Taney County Commission about an offer by the Stoddard County Commission to exchange BRO hard funds for "soft money" from Taney County.
"They are not interested at this time," said Talkington.
The county has plenty of Off-System Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program (BRO) funds for bridge replacement, but lacks the required matching money by the county. The commission had been looking to trade some of their hard funds for soft money, but has not yet found an entity that it willing to trade.