Each quarter, the Mingo JobCorps student leaders gather at Dexter Bar-B-Que for a small awards banquet.
Approximately 25 such leaders are recognized for their accomplishments and growth as individuals.
Each banquet includes a guest speaker, ranging from politicians to local superintendents. The guest for Monday's event, however, was a more difficult one to secure.
Students heard from Brig. Gen. Mark Stammer, who is the senior commander of Fort Campbell, the home of the storied 101st Airborne Division. Stammer spoke to the students about leadership.
"Just like each of you, I wanted to make the right career choice the first time," Stammer said. He related their status to those of new soldiers he faces daily at Fort Campbell.
Over a total of 31,000 soldiers, Stammer tries to personally meet each new soldier who enters the base and share with them a number of tips to success. He shared those tips with the JobCorps students.
First, become an expert in your chosen field.
"It's important to overcome the initial shock of a new job and focus on the basics," he said. "You have to know exactly what your boss expects before you start."
Stammer said one needs to make themself invaluable to their employer.
Second, arrive at your new job as a man or woman of character.
"Take note of your values, behavior and appearance because these things matter," he said. "You'll find that many of your values are the same as those of your employer."
In his case, Stammer said his own values are in close line with those of the Army regarding honesty, integrity and selfless service.
Third, Stammer recommended setting goals--both short and long-term. He reasoned that this will make it easier to assess one's own progress.
"Remember, it's more important for your organization to do well than for you to do well as an individual," he said. "It's more important for your team to do well as a whole than for you to do well."
Stammer stressed that the students should be proud of their accomplishments and confident in their abilities.
Student Leader Joshua Felio, who worked with Social Services Supervisor Bob Waldner to organize the event, expressed his appreciation for Stammer and also tried to encourage his fellow leaders.
"I hope we can look back and be proud of what we have all accomplished as leaders here," Felio said.
A series of awards were presented to many of the leaders for their work, including the prized Leader of the Quarter award. This year's award was presented to Brandon Maines.
Maines is the President of Dorm Two at the Mingo facility.
"He's a leader all over the center and works hard to guide other young students and leaders," Waldner said. "He's helpful, caring and direct--a genuinely good person."
Job Corps is a no-cost education and career technical training program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor that helps young people ages 16 through 24 improve the quality of their lives through career technical and academic training.