DUSTIN WARD - dward@dailystatesman.com Dexter 7th grader Chaylea Mosby measures a serve Monday night against Scott City. The Dexter 7th grade beat Scott City 25-6, 25-15 Monday. The Dexter 8th grade beat Scott City 25-1, 25-13. Dexter will host Bernie in its Hits for Hope Game Tuesday night at Dexter...
<i>DUSTIN WARD - dward@dailystatesman.com</i><br>
Dexter 7th grader Chaylea Mosby measures a serve Monday night against Scott City. The Dexter 7th grade beat Scott City 25-6, 25-15 Monday. The Dexter 8th grade beat Scott City 25-1, 25-13. Dexter will host Bernie in its Hits for Hope Game Tuesday night at Dexter.