February 28, 2014

CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. -- The Southeast Missouri State University Board of Regents today will begin preliminary discussion of a major upgrade to the Show Me Center. The regents will consider the feasibility of repairs to the Show Me Center totaling $7.44 million, according to preliminary cost estimates from the meeting's background material...

Ruth Campbell
FRED LYNCH - SEMO News Service photo - Southeast Missouri State and Austin Peay prepare for a battle on the court Thursday at the Show Me Center.
FRED LYNCH - SEMO News Service photo - Southeast Missouri State and Austin Peay prepare for a battle on the court Thursday at the Show Me Center.

CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. -- The Southeast Missouri State University Board of Regents today will begin preliminary discussion of a major upgrade to the Show Me Center.

The regents will consider the feasibility of repairs to the Show Me Center totaling $7.44 million, according to preliminary cost estimates from the meeting's background material.

The university has made upgrades since the building opened in 1987, but many original components remain and need replacing.

Almost 1 million people have attended events at the Show Me Center in the past five years, ranging from Southeast commencement to concerts and sporting events. University News Bureau director Ann Hayes said today's discussions are preliminary and that the regents will be asked for direction on how to proceed.

According to materials provided in advance of the meeting, two priorities would be:

* Replacing lower-level retractable seating, which is original to the building. Seats of this type usually last 10 to 12 years. Also, the support structure and decking welds have started to fail and the manufacturer doesn't make that seat style anymore, so replacement pieces are not available.

* Replace the center-hung scoreboard with a system that has video capability on par with other Ohio Valley Conference schools.

Separate capital improvement projects to be financed with about $4.5 million in bonds and to be considered by the regents include:

* Finishing the new residence hall and academic space at the River Campus;

* Replacing the Kent Library elevator, the final deferred maintenance project from the 2010 bonds that will be completed in the fall;

* Renovation of two floors in Memorial Hall for a consolidated student academic support center, including math labs and a writing center, which would be finished by fall.

Also, $1.2 million will be spent for upkeep of auxiliary buildings, including upgrading the Towers Central Complex heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system, the material said.

In other business, the board will consider approving the fiscal year 2015 Residence Life budget proposal, including room and board rates starting in the fall. Projected Residence Life expenses are $24,770,371, up from $24,011,461 in fiscal year 2014, according to university documents.

Rates for Dearmont Hall, proposed to be converted from double- to single-occupancy rooms starting in the fall, will go from $3,900 a year for double-occupancy to $5,250 a year for a single room. Current single-occupancy rates at Dearmont are $5,850 a year.

The Regents and Southeast Missouri University Foundation Board will meet Friday in Kem Statuary Hall in the Aleen Vogel Wehking Alumni Center. Regents are scheduled to gather from 10 to 11 a.m. and are expected to reconvene at 1 p.m. when the panel meets with the Southeast Missouri University Foundation Board.

The regents and foundation board members will hear reports on enrollment management and retention initiatives and career planning and placement at Southeast, according to the news release.
