February 25, 2014

An annual Ecumenical effort that for 16 years has benefited four local charitable agencies is planned this year for Thursday, March 13. The St. Patrick's Day Corned Beef and Cabbage Feed has been a longtime tradition in Stoddard County, with 11 area church congregations involved in putting on the event...

An annual Ecumenical effort that for 16 years has benefited four local charitable agencies is planned this year for Thursday, March 13.

The St. Patrick's Day Corned Beef and Cabbage Feed has been a longtime tradition in Stoddard County, with 11 area church congregations involved in putting on the event.

"This outreach program is held each year to support local charity organizations and is one of the largest Ecumenical fundraising events held in the county," said event co-chairperson, Pam Shipman Ward.

Benefiting from the event are the Meals on Wheels program through the Dexter Nutrition Center, the Stoddard County Children's Home, the Stoddard County ARC, and the Stoddard County Gospel Mission.

The churches supporting this community dinner include Broadwater Church of the Brethern, Dexter Evangelical Free Church, Faith Lutheran Church, First Christian Church, Bernie Christian Church, First United Methodist Church, Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Sadler's Chapel United Methodist Church, St. Joe General Baptist Church, Risen Church, and the Lighthouse Christian Center.

The dinner will take place from 11 a.m. on March 13 through 7 p.m. and will be held at the Sacred Heart Parish Center at 102 E. Castor St. in Dexter. Tickets are $7 each and may be purchased at the door or by calling 573-624-6995.

Co-Chairs Pam Ward and Irene Huey are looking for help in sponsorship and for food items to be donated to the annual feed. Call the number above or email mworley@ldd.net to assist with this year's event or to obtain further information.The Ecumenical Corned Beef and Cabbage dinner is defined as an event at which interdenominational organizations cooperate on matters of mutual concern, promoting the unity of different Christian churches and groups.
