BLOOMFIELD, Mo. -- The Bloomfield School Board worked through a short agenda that included several policy and procedure changes and scheduling a board planning session for March 1 at 8 a.m. in the board room at the Administration Building.
Superintendent Toni Hill presented several policy and procedure changes, many of which were aimed at conforming to new state legislation. The changes in policy were as follows:
* To allow board members to attend board meetings by video conference, and also allows them to vote on all issues (HB 70);
* To allow certain specified documents concerning security to be kept confidential and exempt from the Sunshine Law (HB 256);
* A change that further defines school ground security and what is allowed as a resource officer, specifying that law enforcement officers may carry a gun;
* Prohibit the use of a communication device in school vehicles or in private vehicles of they are transporting students (HB 103);
* Requires the district to share any discovery of sexual misconduct when checking employee references (HB 505);
* To allow the use of religious texts in the classroom (Hill said this is already in the Bloomfield District policy) (SB 17);
* Change the way charges are filed in certain crimes including third degree assault (HB 215);
* Requires all students to take Algebra I or a qualifying other course to participate in the A+ program.
There were other changes, but most were already covered by district policy.
Board Member Trevor Pulley made a motion to pass the policy and procedure changes as presented by Hill. It passed by a unanimous vote. Pulley and Board Members John Newell, Dave Cooper and Vince Lochhart were present as was Bill Robison who arrived during the discussion. Not present were Ryan Mayo and David Battles.
Hill suggested the board set a date for a planning session to set priorities for improvements to the campus. She said it should be done soon so that some of the work could be completed over the summer. After some discussion, the board voted to set the date for March 1 at 9 a.m.
Another topic for board members at the planning session will be discussion of the district's bus fleet. Hill said the district had not purchased a new bus in several years, and many of the buses were showing signs of age and high mileage.
"We need to set a direction for replacing buses beginning in the coming year," said Hill.
She said the state bus inspection would be March 14, 2014, and maintenance was preparing for that inspection.
High School Principal Dustin Hicks reported that the Christmas Tournament this year was a big success. The money collected at the gate for the tournament was the highest since 2009 with $25,282.46 recorded. In 2009, the gate was $26,615.21. It was the fourth highest gate total in the last 11 years.
After expenses, the tournament showed net receipts of $8,049.73 with Bloomfield's share at $3,262.95, which is a third of the net receipts. A third is distributed as mileage share and and a third for game share.
Concession sales were the highest in the last 11 years with sales of $20,178.13.