February 12, 2014

Bernie Schools' contract with OOPA! Food Service, which went into effect at mid-point during the 2012-13 school year, suggested that meal prices would likely rise in the years ahead, and they have. School Board members agreed Monday night to raise the cost of student and staff meals by .25 cents. ...

Bernie Schools' contract with OOPA! Food Service, which went into effect at mid-point during the 2012-13 school year, suggested that meal prices would likely rise in the years ahead, and they have. School Board members agreed Monday night to raise the cost of student and staff meals by .25 cents. Elementary student lunches will cost $1.75 at the start of the 2014-15 school year. The price for high school lunches will be $2.00, with student breakfasts rising to .75 cents. The cost for staff lunches will go to $2.55 and $1.25 for adult breakfasts.

The raise in meal prices comes following notification from OOPA! that they will be charging the district .19 cents more per plate served in the coming school year.

"We're not making money on lunch, and we're not planning on making money on lunch," Supt. Doug Ruck noted, "but to stay with what we need, I'm recommending the changes."

The board agreed, and voted unanimously for the quarter raise per meal.

Students at Bernie have missed 11 days of school thus far in the 2013-14 school year. Board members approved of adjustments to the school calendar Monday night, including one-half day added on to the end of the year.

"That would be May 22," Ruck told the board, "and then we'll be coming to school on March 24, March 25, and April 21."

Board members also approved of two upcoming students trips. Senior Beta members will be attending the State Convention in Branson on March 6-9. Junior Beta members who qualified for national competition at the recent state convention held in Poplar Bluff will have the opportunity to travel to Richmond, Va. for the National Jr. Beta Convention which will take place from June 21-24.

Bernie Schools allows $2,000 toward the Beta trips. Several student fundraising events are in the planning stage to help defray the overall cost of the road trips.

"I'm very proud of these kids," said Board Vice President Denny Riddle. "We always try to encourage them to do their best, and they have," he added, as the board unanimously approved the trips.

Three staff members submitted sponsorship resignations at the February meeting of the Board of Education. Sal Higgins resigned as assistant to the high school cheerleading sponsor. Molly Hare resigned her post as assistant to the high school volleyball coach, and Christy Griffin will no longer serve as Jr. Beta sponsor.

A new bus will be on the way to Bernie Schools in the near future. A bid for a 2015 International school bus in the amount of $82,705 was approved from Midwest Transit.

In routine business, three of the district's program evaluations came before board members. The Co-Curricular Activities program, the Discipline program, and the A+ program all met with board approval.

Two additions to the district's teacher substitute list were also approved. They were Lyndsey Stone of Dexter and Jill Snider of Bernie.

In executive session Monday night, the Board of Education awarded contracts for the 2014-15 year to the district's two principals, Tommie Ellenburg at the elementary level and High School Principal Gavin Miller.
