JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -- A Dexter High School graduate, Gregory T. Ulm, is among a total of 39 individuals who reported to the Missouri State Highway Patrol Law Enforcement Academy on Jan. 2, 2014, to begin the 25-week training course to become a trooper. The 98th Recruit Class is scheduled to graduate on June 27, 2014.
The average age of the members of the 98th Recruit Class is 23. Of the 39 recruits, four have attended some college, two have earned an associate's degree, nine have above 60 credit hours, but less than 120 hours, 14 hold bachelor's degrees, and three hold master's degrees. Nine of the recruits have prior military experience; seven of the recruits have prior experience in law enforcement.
As of Feb. 11, 2014, 34 recruits remain in the Academy.
Other recruits include a former Dexter resident, Landon J. Haggott, currently from Cape Girardeau, Matthew R. Freeman from Kennett, Kyle L. Huggins from Poplar Bluff, and Jose Sanchez, also from Cape Girardeau.
Ulm is the son of David and Linda Ulm of Dexter.