Business, industry and educators were honored Saturday night, Jan. 25, at the Annual Dexter Chamber of Commerce Awards Banquet.
Gathering at the Elks Lodge for dinner, award presentations and music, those who have gone above and beyond were recognized for their efforts that everyday improve the quality of life in the local community.
Sen. Doug Libla was on hand with Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Janet Coleman and Chamber directors to present the awards. The year 2014 marks the beginning of the Chamber's 65th year in Dexter.
In 2013, five individuals participated in the Chamber's Leadership Program. Certification plaques went to Chris Brannan, Brandon Cooper, Brett Dorton, Kim Roseberry and Melissa Stevens for their inclusion in the annual program that is aimed at sharing knowledge of the community's economic base through on site visits, lectures, and printed material. During 2014, the Leadership Program will be under review with the intent of continuing it in 2015.
Two local educators, one a recent retiree and the other an active employee of Dexter Schools, were honored as Educator of the Year recipients Saturday night. Debbie Essner, who retired at the conclusion of the 2012-13 school year, was a classroom aide in the kindergarten setting for two years before beginning a 20-year stint teaching history at Dexter High School. In addition to her career in the classroom, Essner was also credited with having donated of her time and talents serving on the local Certified Teachers Association.
The two awards to educators were presented by Connie Hampton, who next presented the award to Melanie Stoelting, Dexter's Parents as Teachers Director. Stoelting heads up the local PAT program, but also serves on the PAT Advisory Committee for Missouri's Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Stoelting was recognized for her diligence in providing for the needs of area preschool children through parent education, oftentimes in the face of repeated budget cuts.
"Melanie has serviced more families, has engineered more projects, and has come up with more creative ideas to not only keep the program one of the best in the state of Missouri," said Hampton, "but to continue to keep it thriving as a progressive program from which other district pattern their own."
The Chamber of Commerce 2013 Small Business of the Year went to Young Real Estate, LLC. Purchased by Ron Wunderlich in June 2013, the Dexter real estate business was credited continued success, proven by a recent 30 percent increase in staff.
"The real estate agents have produced over $4.5 million in sales volume in the past six and one-half months and are excited to see what 2014 has in store for them," said Chamber former president, Scott Nelson, in making the presentation.
In 2014, First Midwest Bank will mark 50 years in business. With that in mind, and credited with having $270 million and offices in Dexter, Dudley, Sikeston, Jackson, and Cape Girardeau, First Midwest Bank was honored Saturday night as the Chamber's 2013 Business of the Year.
"The bank has more than 70 employees and prides itself on investing in the local economy," said Mendy Bell in making the presentation.
Recognized as the 2013 Industry of the Year was Republic Services, Inc. - Allied Waste Services of Dexter and Lemons Landfill.
The combined divisions provide 47 full-time jobs with full benefits, which represents a 15 percent increase over the past five years, Coleman noted in her presentation to Republic.
"Together, they spend tens of thousands of dollars monthly on local products and services," Coleman added. "They serve 23 individual city contracts and 13,000 homes in the greater Bootheel area."
Notable also is the fact that a portion of the tipping fees at Allied ($1.50 per ton) generated over a quarter of a million dollars in revenue in 2013 and was distributed to the Industrial Development Authority (IDA) of Stoddard County to spur economic enhancements through grants within the eight member communities within the county.
The Stoddard County Fair Board was honored by the Chamber as the 2013 Organization of the Year. Chamber President Jackie McKuin presented the award to that entity, recognizing the volunteers who give "countless hours of their own time and talents to sponsor events throughout the year."
"The Fair Board partners with the local government and other organizations in the county to insure their events are suitable and safe for everyone attending," McKuin said.
The board also maintains a scholarship fund and annually gives several college grants to college-bound seniors in the county.
On hand for the Fair Board presentation was a key figure on that board for the past 33 years, Sammy Huey. Unbeknownst to Huey, there was one more presentation to be made before the night's award presentations came to a conclusion.
Last but not least was the presentation by The Daily Statesman to the Citizen of the Year. The award has been in "sleep mode" for the past several years, but was resurrected with the 2013 year, and Huey was selected for the honor.
Presenting the award on behalf of The Daily Statesman was Center Coordinator for Three Rivers Dexter Campus, Bill Hampton. Huey was recognized for not only his efforts on the Fair Board, but also for his work on the Stoddard County Ambulance Board since 1995, his charitable work through Sacred Hearth Church, his work in FFA and 4-H, and most notably, his "giving from the heart."