BLOOMFIELD, Mo. -- The Stoddard County Commission awarded the contract for cutting hay on land known as the County Farm in 2014 to Paul Martin at their regular meeting Monday. Martin's bid was the only one received by the commission. His bid was $607.
The bid was for a parcel north of the State Veterans Cemetery and for a parcel east of Highway 25. There are around 57 acres north of cemetery and 25 acres east of Highway 25, though some of the land is not pasture.
"It's (the bid) more than we received last year," said Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis.
Commission Danny Talkington noted it was more than twice the amount received last year. He said by accepting bids early, it allowed the bidder to fertilize the fields for better hay. He said, depending on rainfall, the bidder could get three cuttings of hay..
Jeremy Manning, an engineer with Smith and Company, Engineers in Poplar Bluff, told the commission all paperwork had been submitted to build the new bridge on County Road 784 in the southeastern corner of the county. He said the county could begin soliciting bids on the project as soon as approval was received from the Missouri Department of Transportation.
The only other business for the commission was adding an executive session to their regular meeting. Mathis said it was to discuss a personnel matter that had recently arisen.