Advance aldermen accept bid to sell old lagoon property
The Advance Board of Aldermen met on Monday, Jan. 20, 2014 with all members present--Carol Blanton, Tom Schmidt, Wayne Page, and Randy Schrader.
Two bids were submitted on the old lagoon land in the west section of town on Highway C--$15,444 from James Burnett and $24,500 from Chris Eggiman. Aldermen accepted Eggiman's bid. Mayor Pete Ritter will have City Attorney Don Rhodes draw up the papers.
Mayor Ritter reported that this month's problems with the city water were quickly resolved, thanks to the diligence of the city workers.
"The boys worked till midnight to get the problem fixed," the mayor said. "The cold weather messed up a pump, so we had chlorine clumps in the water. The city boys had to drain half the content of both water towers. The water at my house tested 8.1 that night, but by the next morning, it was 1.8 again. Anything over 4.0 can make older people and babies sick, so we had to issue a warning to all the businesses and the school. DNA checked the water the next day, and it was good. "
The mayor expressed his gratitude to city crews who worked with a half-inch of ice on the roads during the record-breaking cold of the Polar Vortex this month.
Fire chief Kelly Hindman reported that the city was in need of a new brush truck, as the current truck is old and shakes when it goes down the road. He recommended getting the old one fixed until a new one could be purchased. Hindman thought the city could find a new one for about $60,000.
Mayor Ritter reported that the pipe in the lagoon had been fixed and a new concrete sleeve put in.
Alderman Randy Schrader expressed concerns about the city's water plant, which is old and out of date. He recommended that the city hold a town meeting to get input on the idea of raising water bills to pay for the building of a new plant some day. Aldermen agreed to schedule date for the meeting.
With no other business, the meeting was adjourned.
The next regular meeting date is Monday, Feb. 17, 2014.