November 9, 2013

Staff reports Dexter's VFW Post 2659 will once again be hosting their 4th Annual Duck Hunt on Saturday, Nov. 16. The hunt is offered exclusively by The Veterans of Foreign Wars' local post. Those veterans of foreign wars who reside in District 15 are eligible for the random drawing which will afford six local veterans an opportunity to take part in a special hunt held in the Dexter area...

Purchase this photo at                                                        NOREEN HYSLOP photo -
Dexter's VFW Post 2659 will be providing duck hunts to six local veterans of foreign wars on Saturday, Nov. 16, with eligible veterans' names to be drawn at random on Veterans Day. The hunt will take place at Otter Slough, shown above. A pair of exclusive Duck Hunt Clubs will be providing all accomodations, equipment and guides for the hunts.
Purchase this photo at NOREEN HYSLOP photo - Dexter's VFW Post 2659 will be providing duck hunts to six local veterans of foreign wars on Saturday, Nov. 16, with eligible veterans' names to be drawn at random on Veterans Day. The hunt will take place at Otter Slough, shown above. A pair of exclusive Duck Hunt Clubs will be providing all accomodations, equipment and guides for the hunts.

Staff reports

Dexter's VFW Post 2659 will once again be hosting their 4th Annual Duck Hunt on Saturday, Nov. 16. The hunt is offered exclusively by The Veterans of Foreign Wars' local post. Those veterans of foreign wars who reside in District 15 are eligible for the random drawing which will afford six local veterans an opportunity to take part in a special hunt held in the Dexter area.

The Dexter post will offer to any District 15 members the possibility of these guided special hunts.

"The Dexter VFW hosts this event each year to honor its veterans in District 15," said Steve Rahm of the local post.

The duck hunt is held at an exclusive duck hunting club near the Otter Slough Wildlife area in Stoddard County. The six recipients of the hunt will be responsible for obtaining a hunting license and a migratory bird permit. The local post will provide the federal duck stamps and shotgun shells, Rahm said.

This duck hunting opportunity is held at two duck hunt clubs. Overnight accommodations in rustic and comfortable cabins are provided. The supper meal and breakfast the following day are also provided by Post 2659.

The recipients of the VFW Duck Hunt will be chosen by a random drawing. The drawing will be held on Monday, Nov. 11.

Anyone interested in the opportunity is asked to contact Steve Rahm immediately at 222 S. Walnut St. in Dexter by calling (573) 820-5334.
