November 6, 2013

Students in the Advance R-IV school district celebrated Red Ribbon Week during the week of October 28, 2013, through November 1. Red Ribbon Week is a way for people and communities to take a visible stand against drugs and to show their personal commitment to a drug-free lifestyle through the symbol of the Red Ribbon...

Kindergarteners were enthusiastic supporters of Red Ribbon Week.
Kindergarteners were enthusiastic supporters of Red Ribbon Week.

Students in the Advance R-IV school district celebrated Red Ribbon Week during the week of October 28, 2013, through November 1. Red Ribbon Week is a way for people and communities to take a visible stand against drugs and to show their personal commitment to a drug-free lifestyle through the symbol of the Red Ribbon.

Each day of Red Ribbon Week had a different theme. Students at Advance Elementary school competed against one another to see which grade level had the highest level of participation for the dress-up days for the week. Students at Advance High School competed against one another to see which Advisory class had the highest level of participation in the dress-up days. Monday was Hat Day. Tuesday was Tourist/Animal Print Day. Wednesday was American Day. Thursday was Hawaiian Day. Friday was Red Day.

The winning grade level in the elementary school will be treated to a movie and popcorn party. The winning advisory classes from the junior high and high school will be treated to pizza parties.

Students dress up for Hawaiian Day.
Students dress up for Hawaiian Day.

High School Counselor Julie Harrison coordinated the event.
