Students in the Advance R-IV school district celebrated Red Ribbon Week during the week of October 28, 2013, through November 1. Red Ribbon Week is a way for people and communities to take a visible stand against drugs and to show their personal commitment to a drug-free lifestyle through the symbol of the Red Ribbon.
Each day of Red Ribbon Week had a different theme. Students at Advance Elementary school competed against one another to see which grade level had the highest level of participation for the dress-up days for the week. Students at Advance High School competed against one another to see which Advisory class had the highest level of participation in the dress-up days. Monday was Hat Day. Tuesday was Tourist/Animal Print Day. Wednesday was American Day. Thursday was Hawaiian Day. Friday was Red Day.
The winning grade level in the elementary school will be treated to a movie and popcorn party. The winning advisory classes from the junior high and high school will be treated to pizza parties.
High School Counselor Julie Harrison coordinated the event.