November 6, 2013

BERNIE, Mo. - The Bernie Board of Aldermen awarded a $22,680 contract to Fields Construction of Dexter to make repairs and paint the Communty Center at their regular meeting Monday night. The aldermen approved the project, pending preparation of a contract by City Attorney Robin Northern specifying when the company would receive payment advances and when final payment would be made...

BERNIE, Mo. - The Bernie Board of Aldermen awarded a $22,680 contract to Fields Construction of Dexter to make repairs and paint the Communty Center at their regular meeting Monday night. The aldermen approved the project, pending preparation of a contract by City Attorney Robin Northern specifying when the company would receive payment advances and when final payment would be made.

Mayor James Tilman opened the bid on the Community Center. It was the only bid received by the city. The bid specifications call for power washing and scraping the building, caulk and repair cracks, make any repairs to damage, seal the windows and replace damaged guttering. The project also calls for the exterior of the building to be painted.

Alderman Tim Gage noted that the Community Center Committee had funds in their budget to cover the cost of the project.

Alderman Ray Coats objected to how the payment advances were worded on the proposal. The proposal established dates on which "draws" would be made. Coat said this didn't take into account weather delays or other problems that could arise. He said it was bad business to base payments on specific dates instead of actual work accomplished.

Alderman Ivan Mekan agreed. There was some discussion about how to word the contract regarding those payments. Mekan said the usual business practice is to buy the materials and have them on site before the first payment is made. Another payment could be made after completion of a certain percentage of the project, with final payment after it is completed.

Northern said she would prepare a contract with those provisions, if it was acceptable to the contractor.

The board voted unanimously to award the contract to Fields Construction with those provisions.

In other action, the aldermen awarded the contract to cater the city Christmas party to Bern Express at a cost of $11.25 per plate, with a minimum of 100 plates served. The cost includes gratuity. Bern Express was the only bidder. It passed by a unanimous vote.

The board also approved a list of Christmas bonuses as presented for city employees. There was no mention of the amounts, and a list was not included in the press packet.

The aldermen approved an ordinance erecting stop signs at the north and south intersection of Meddler Street. There are already stop signs on Pointer Street at that location, so the ordinance will make the intersection a four-way stop. A citizen approached the aldermen about people speeding on the street, which posed a hazard to children. The aldermen agreed and had the ordinance prepared by Northern.

Alderman Dennis Jackson asked the board to approve the purchase of two beepers for the fire department. He said there are currently 16 firemen, and there were not enough beepers. He proposed they purchase one beeper like the others used by the department at a cost of $350 and one beeper that also included a radio for communication at a cost of $395.

"The chief wanted to try one of the beepers that has radio capabilities," said Jackson.

The board approved the measure by a 6-0 vote.

Gage said EMA Director Wayne Freed asked to be replaced. He said Freed wanted to stay on the EMA Board, but recommended they appoint Assistant Director Bob Kennedy as the new director. Gage said an assistant director was not needed at the present time. The aldermen approved the resignation and appointment by a 6-0 vote.

The board also approved a raise for Officer Chris Costin who has finished his probationary period. They also hired Richard Humphries part-time in the maintenance department.

Tilmon asked the board for approval to take bids on property insurance for the city. He said the company holding the policy now will not renew it due to the claims made in the past year. The aldermen agreed that bids should be sought to provide the insurance.
