HAYTI, Mo. - People lined up early Monday morning at Hayti High School to receive free medical services, according to a representative for military service members currently in the Bootheel assisting with Operation Healthy Delta.
The Delta Regional Authority and the Department of Defense have partnered to provide free medical, vision, and dental care to area residents.
The services, which are provided by licensed medical professionals serving in the military, include medical screening and non-emergency medical treatment, student physicals, dental exams, extractions and fillings, minor lab tests, optometry exams and free eyeglasses.
Various medical health resources and prescription assistance will also be provided and health educational and local resource information is available on site.
Operation Healthy Delta is open to those 2 years and older. Emergency treatment and OB exams/treatment will not be offered. All services are first come, first served and completely free. There are no income or residency requirements.
The clinic runs through Wednesday, August 13.
Organizers are expecting large crowds daily throughout the entirety of the clinic and still have a need for volunteers. Due to the extreme heat indexes forecast for the next few days, organizers are also in need of donations of bottled water to hand out during the hottest part of the day from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Volunteers or those wishing to donate bottled water are asked to contact Karen Hartung, Pemiscot County Disaster Action Team Leader by e-mail at karenhartung08@gmail.com