July 14, 2013

Dexter Missouri roads are safer, thanks to law enforcement cracking down on impaired drivers and working to make sure motorists think twice about traffic safety over the Fourth of July weekend. The Dexter Police Department participated in the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over crackdown conducted July 3-7. During the enforcement effort, officers issued a total of seven traffic tickets and one arrests were made as a result of the crackdown...

Dexter Missouri roads are safer, thanks to law enforcement cracking down on impaired drivers and working to make sure motorists think twice about traffic safety over the Fourth of July weekend.

The Dexter Police Department participated in the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over crackdown conducted July 3-7. During the enforcement effort, officers issued a total of seven traffic tickets and one arrests were made as a result of the crackdown.

"When we remove a drunk driver from the roads, we're all safer," stated Chief Sammy Stone "Law enforcement will continue to encourage drivers to make a simple, smart choice to drive sober."

Driving while intoxicated remains one of the top causes of fatal car crashes in Missouri. In 2012, 244 people were killed and 885 seriously injured in crashes involving an impaired driver.

For more information, please visit saveMOlives.com.
