Managing Editor
Thursday, May 23 marks the beginning of the weekend-long 100-mile yard sale that will stretch from Jackson, Mo. south through the city of Kennett. The event annually draws thousands of bargain hunters to the area over the Memorial Day weekend.
Booths will be set up on both sides of Highway 25 for the 100-mile stretch, and the Missouri Department of Transportation warns the public to use extreme caution over the long weekend as shoppers, many with small children, will be walking in and out of high traffic areas as they shop.
"It's a fun weekend that people look forward to each year," says Traffic Engineer Craig Compas, "but we want people to remember that there's more traffic and more congestion along Route 25 this weekend than any other and drivers need to keep that in mind."
MoDOT will do its part to bring the safety message to the forefront, they say. Message boards will be in place along the route to alert drivers of the unusual traffic patterns and promote safe driving.
"We really want drivers to be alert-to be aware of their surroundings, to be aware of sudden stops and to look for pedestrian traffic," Compas says. "It's a big event locally, and we want everyone to enjoy themselves and be as safe as possible."
Over 1,000 mailers have been sent to various agencies and businesses in Southeast Missouri announcing the 100-mile sale.
Dexter Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Janet Coleman says the annual event brings throngs of shoppers to the immediate area since Dexter is about at the central point of the 100-mile stretch. Hotels, she says, are typically booked up weeks in advance of the sale.
Shoppers are reminded that cash is the preferred method of payment by most vendors along the sale route.
The 100-mile yard sale will run through Memorial Day May 27.