February 6, 2013

Dexter Police Feb. 5, 2013 Police are looking for the individual(s) responsible for shooting out vehicle windows in an area on the north end of Dexter Tuesday night. According to Asst. Police Chief Charles Sanders, six vehicles were hit by BB pellets Tuesday between 7:26 and 11:35 p.m. ...

Dexter Police

Feb. 5, 2013

* Police are looking for the individual(s) responsible for shooting out vehicle windows in an area on the north end of Dexter Tuesday night. According to Asst. Police Chief Charles Sanders, six vehicles were hit by BB pellets Tuesday between 7:26 and 11:35 p.m. The vehicles were parked on N. Poplar Street, E. Stanley St., N. Locust and one business on Business Hwy. 60 in the same area. According to Sanders, the shots came from a BB gun and were fired from a passing vehicle. Police are investigating..

* Police responded to a peace disturbance call in the 1500 block of W. Business 60 at 3:54 p.m. Tuesday. No arrests were made.

* A summons was issued to Thomas Lubish of Dexter at 12:27 a.m. Tuesday at Highway 114 and Clements St. for operating a motor vehicle without a driver's license. In the same report, Amanda Opel, 24, also of Dexter, was arrested on a warrant service for larceny. She was transported to the Stoddard County Jail, where her bond was set at $25,000. She remains in jail.

Stoddard County

Feb. 5, 2013

* No additional arrests for the period.

Highway Patrol

Feb. 5, 2013

* No arrests for the period.
