Dexter High School, under the supervision of Counselor Judy Patterson, sponsored a recent "Stuff a Bus" campaign to help the Stoddard County Gospel Mission restock for the holidays. On Friday morning, Dec. 7, transportation was provided by Brett Miller (Alias Santa) of First State Bank and Trust, in order to travel to all four local school campuses and "Stuff a Bus." Students from across the district took part in the food drive that netted over 7,000 cans of food. The amount is the largest single donation to have ever been presented to the Mission. Southwest Elementary donated 3,364 cans, Central 1,816, T.S. Hill Middle School 1,816, and high school 875. The project, according to organizer and High School Counselor Judy Patterson, will be an annual event. Posing with Santa in front of the stuffed bus are Central students Jacob Moore, Thomas Hill and Johnna Costigan, and standing with Santa, Ellie McBroom.