November 1, 2012

From staff reports The Dexter Fire Department has released a reminder that when changing clocks back one hour, when Daylight Savings Time ends this Sunday, November 4, 2012, to also change batteries in both smoke detectors/ alarms and carbon monoxide (CO) detectors...

From staff reports

The Dexter Fire Department has released a reminder that when changing clocks back one hour, when Daylight Savings Time ends this Sunday, November 4, 2012, to also change batteries in both smoke detectors/ alarms and carbon monoxide (CO) detectors.

According to the local fire department, working smoke alarms and CO detectors double a families chance of surviving a home fire and/or unsafe carbon monoxide levels in the home. They also recommend that families dust or vacuum the smoke and CO detectors and to test the alarms once a month using the test button. If the alarm/detector does not work properly when tested or is more than ten years old, Tutor advises to replace the entire alarm.

"Install smoke alarms on every level of your home, including the basement, and both inside and outside of sleeping areas," said a fire department official. He went on to say, "Interconnect all smoke alarms throughout your home so that when one sounds, they all sound." Interconnect alarms are available at most stores that carries smoke alarms.

The Dexter Fire Department advises that everyone in the home understand the warning signal given by the smoke detector and also knows how to respond to the signal. They also recommend to prepare and practice two escape plans so that those who occupy the home knows how to get out of the home safely in the event of a fire. In the escape plan, the DFD says to meet in a safe place, a distance from the fire, where first responders can easily see the residents of the home.

Being prepared can be the difference in life or death.
