November 1, 2012

Carla Knowles Moore Democrat Biographical information I have two daughters and three grandchildren. I am a life-long resident of Stoddard County and still live on the family farm outside of Bloomfield. I attended school at Bloomfield and graduated from Dexter High School...

Carla Knowles Moore
Carla Knowles Moore

Carla Knowles Moore


Biographical information

Mike Watkins
Mike Watkins

I have two daughters and three grandchildren. I am a life-long resident of Stoddard County and still live on the family farm outside of Bloomfield. I attended school at Bloomfield and graduated from Dexter High School.

Experience and qualifications

During my tenure as collector, the office has seen many changes. The main change was the elimination of the township collectors. As collector, my responsibilities changed greatly from collecting delinquent taxes only, to also collecting current taxes. I oversaw the implementation of new computer programs. I also assembled a larger staff to handle the increased workload. As your collector, I feel that I have met each challenge with success and gained valuable experience.

Main role and responsibilities for the office.

As collector, my role is to see that taxes are collected and distributed timely and appropriately. My responsibility is to have a trustworthy staff to handle the money you have entrusted to me in a safe and responsible manner. As treasurer, my role is to deposit the County's money in an interest bearing account. It is my responsibility to safeguard all monies and to also see that all monies are wisely invested.

Do you envision any changes in responsibilities in the office, and are their any things you would like to change?

I have recently selected a company to develop and implement the collection of taxes by credit/debit card. This I hope to have going soon. I am also working with the company on credit card payments to be made on-line.

Are there any other issues you would like to present to the voters of Stoddard County?

At this time I have no other issues for the voters of Stoddard County.

Mike Watkins


Biographical information.

I am a native of Stoddard County and have been married to Angela Ayers Watkins for 27 years. We have raised two sons, Alex and Nathan, and are now the proud grandparents of a beautiful granddaughter.

I am a graduate of Southeast Missouri State University with a major in Accounting and minor in Economics. As an ordained minister I have served many churches in the county in the capacity of pastor, interim pastor, and pulpit supply speaker.

Experience and Qualifications

I have had 30+ years in business and government financial management and accounting. That experience includes budgeting and accounting for federal, state and private grants and programs. I also have a background in designing and improving accounting systems to increase efficiency and security.

Main role and responsibilities for the office.

The Stoddard County Collector/Treasurer's primary role should be to efficiently manage the collecting and disbursing of county taxes and other receipts. I will carry out these duties with the humble understanding that the elected Collector/Treasurer may be the manager of the office, but always mindful that I work for the citizens of Stoddard County.

Do you envision any changes in responsibilities in the office, and are their any things you would like to change?

One change I would like to institute is to develop a website for the office which would provide valuable information to the citizens of Stoddard County. If you are like me, when you receive your annual property tax bill you've seen all those different tax lines and wondered what they are for. A website could put the answer at your fingertips explaining what they are, how the rate is arrived at, and how long they will remain in effect. We now live in an age where many have come to expect information at their fingertips 24/7 and a website can do that. If successful, Facebook, Twitter, and e-mail updates may also be included in the future.

I do promise that any changes will first be diligently studied to determine their necessity before that change is instituted.

Other issues

I promise to every citizen of Stoddard County to provide competent and efficient management of the Collector/Treasurer office and to perform my duties always remembering you are my boss and the reason I am allowed to serve.
