There is nothing quite like the look of wonder and anticipation on the face of a child during the Christmas season. Even though the brilliant colors of fall are just beginning to make their appearance in Southeast Missouri and temperatures this week are expected to be more like summer than fall, some folks in Stoddard County already have this year's holiday season on their minds and are working toward making the 2012 holiday the best that it can be.
Law enforcement personnel and emergency responders across Stoddard County are gearing up for the 12th Annual Shop With a Hero Program. The program is a not-for-profit organization made up of police officers, firemen, probation and parole officers, and emergency medical service personnel from within the county. Throughout the year, Shop With a Hero organizers hold a variety of events, including raffles at the county fair, to help raise funds for the holiday project. In recent years, approximately $22,500 has been raised annually. The money is provided to 300 children each Christmas season who have met the program's guidelines to receive a $75 shopping spree at the local Walmart Superstore. During the first three Sundays in December, children successfully enrolled in the Shop With a Hero program will be accompanied by a law enforcement officer or an emergency responder as they "Shop With a Hero."
"There are many families right here in Stoddard County who are having tough times making ends meet," says the program's secretary, Carol Moreland. "Our mission is to provide for those families each holiday season."
Three days have been set aside for parents to enroll their children. Children from age three to age 11 are accepted. The youngsters do not need to be present at the time of enrollment, Moreland emphasized.
The first date to enroll will be Tuesday, Oct. 30. The second will be on Wednesday, Oct. 31, and the final day will be on Thursday, Nov. 1. There will be no exceptions to Nov. 1 as the final date to enroll. Enrollment will take place between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. at the Stoddard County 911 Services offices located at 512 Cooper Street in Dexter. Children must be residents of Stoddard County.
"All that is needed at the time of enrollment in the program," says this year's chairperson, Trooper Levi Rawson, "is a free lunch qualification from the school district where the child attends (one for each student is required), or if the child is not yet attending school, proof of income should be provided. A birth certificate for the child and proof of a current physical address (such as a utility bill) must also be provided at the time of enrollment."
"Santa will be available once again too," More-land says, "and each child will have an opportunity to place their Christmas orders with him before taking to the aisles with their 'heroes' to shop."