September 30, 2012

SUBMITTED photo Rachel Ellen Smith and John Martin Brooks, both of St. Louis, would like to announce their forthcoming marriage. Rachel is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hopkins of Bloomfield, and the daughter of Lannis Hancock of House Springs and the late Terry Smith of Acorn Ridge. John is the son of Ruth Brooks and the late Kenneth Brooks of Fenton. Rachel works for the St. Louis Public Library and John works at Monsanto...

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Rachel Ellen Smith and John Martin Brooks, both of St. Louis, would like to announce their forthcoming marriage. Rachel is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hopkins of Bloomfield, and the daughter of Lannis Hancock of House Springs and the late Terry Smith of Acorn Ridge. John is the son of Ruth Brooks and the late Kenneth Brooks of Fenton. Rachel works for the St. Louis Public Library and John works at Monsanto.
