September 14, 2012

When 79-year-old Johnny Smith of Bloomfield became ill in July, his wife of 59 years thought it was just a bug of some kind. He visited his physician and was prescribed an antibiotic, but his condition did not improve. "He just kept getting worse," recalls Patricia Smith, "and he was running a temperature of 103."...

Johnny Smith is expected to make a full recovery after suffering from the West Nile virus. He was diagnosed in July and spent over a month in a Cape Girardeau hospital.
NOREEN Johnny Smith is expected to make a full recovery after suffering from the West Nile virus. He was diagnosed in July and spent over a month in a Cape Girardeau hospital.

Bloomfield man is fourth in Mo. to contract the virus

When 79-year-old Johnny Smith of Bloomfield became ill in July, his wife of 59 years thought it was just a bug of some kind. He visited his physician and was prescribed an antibiotic, but his condition did not improve.

"He just kept getting worse," recalls Patricia Smith, "and he was running a temperature of 103."

Her husband was eventually admitted to Southeast Hospital in Cape Girardeau. Little did the couple know that the hospital would become their second home well into the month of August.

A multitude of tests were run over a two-week period, but none granted a positive diagnosis for the kind-hearted gentlemen who was a picture of health prior to July.

"I had been diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but I wasn't really bothered by it," Smith says. "I'd get out and do anything I needed to do and not have any problems."

While doctors and nurses moved in and out of Smith's hospital room -- poking and prodding, sticking and re-sticking -- an anxious family waited and watched his health deteriorate further with the passing of each long day.

"At first," Johnny recalls, "I was just so tired. I didn't want to do anything. My legs and arms hurt and I had a high fever and chills. I felt so badly that I just didn't want to go on. There were many times I would have welcomed death."

For both Smiths, the worst part of his ordeal was dealing with nearly a total loss of memory. Patricia watched and witnessed as, day by day, her husband became less and less familiar with his surroundings, including his own children.

"She was the only one that I recognized and remembered," Johnny explains with a gentle squeeze of his wife's hand as they sit side by side recalling what has been the worst experience of their nearly six-decade history together.

Finally, after more than a week's stay at Southeast, doctors ordered a lumbar puncture for Johnny. Also commonly referred to as a spinal tap, the procedure involves the collection of cerebrospinal fluid from the spine for testing.

When the fluid was examined, it was confirmed that Johnny had encephalitis, and that encephalitis stemmed form the West Nile virus in his system. Finally, there was a diagnosis. The finding prompted a move into the Intensive Care Unit at Southeast Hospital.

West Nile virus is transmitted by mosquitos to birds, various animals, and sometimes humans. While most people infected with the virus show no symptoms, occasional infections can result in serious illness and even death. Johnny Smith had severe manifestation of West Nile, marked by his rapid onset of fever, head and body aches, a stiff neck, muscle weakness, and disorientation.

Once the positive diagnoses was made, a team of physicians at Southeast went to work administering the proper medications to help Smith's recovery.

"They told us that because it is viral, the disease has to run its course," Patricia explains. "But the symptoms can be treated."

Johnny received intravenous fluids and nutrition, as well as respiratory support through use of an inhaler as needed.

Two more weeks were spent in the hospital once the diagnosis came through. The Smiths came home, but life is not as it was prior to July. Although strides have been made, Johnny will likely spend the next several months recovering.

"I still don't have a lot of strength back," he says from the comfort of his living room. "But I am getting my memory back. They tell me it's going to be a slow process."

For the man with a hearty appetite who was accustomed to spending his days outdoors and working on building elaborate wooden playhouses for his great-grandchildren, it's been a frustrating experience, he says, to find himself suddenly facing limitations where there were none a few short months ago. He is aided by a walker for the first time in his 79 years, and he takes massive doses of vitamins to aid in his recovery process. He is trying to regain the 20 pounds the disease claimed and is undergoing both speech therapy to help fully regain his memory and physical therapy to regain his muscle strength.

If there is one thing the Smiths wish to stress, it is prevention.

"People need to use a repellent when they're outdoors," Patricia emphasizes. "And be sure that Deet is the main ingredient."

Mosquitoes are most active at dusk and at dawn. Amy Hector, RN and communicable nurse with Stoddard County Public Health Center in Bloomfield, warns also to wear long sleeves and pants during those times or consider remaining indoors at those peak times.

Another tip is to avoid letting water stand, such as in pet dishes and in bird baths. Drill holes in any tire swings so that water drains out. Keeping children's wading pools on their sides when not in use is another helpful tip.

The case of Johnny Smith is only the fourth in the state of Missouri in 2012 and the first in Stoddard County.

"There are no other cases confirmed in the county in recent years," confirms Hector.

Debbie Pleimling, the health center's director, confirms that one individual, a 78-year-old man from Laclede County, died from West Nile in 2012. The other confirmed cases were in Randolph and St. Louis Counties.

Patricia says her husband gained celebrity status while a patient at Southeast and credits an astute team of physicians with his recovery. But, she says, there was most definitely another force at work as her husband's health began to improve.

The Smiths share a tremendous faith in God. Patricia has served as pastor of the small Missouri Street Full Gospel Church in Bloomfield.

When the doctors at Southeast asked the Smiths if Johnny might be included in an ongoing study of the West Nile virus. Patricia was quick to respond for her husband, telling the doctors, "That's fine, but if you don't figure in the God factor, you're not going to get the same results!"

"We believe in prayer," Patricia says, and her husband agrees with a nod of his head. "We had a lot of folks praying for Johnny, and we know that's what got him through this."
