September 14, 2012

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -- In a special ceremony held Wednesday in the Missouri Senate's Pershing Gallery, which houses portraits of former Senate President Pro Tems, Senate Leader Robert N. Mayer, R-Dexter, had his image added to the gallery's prestigious list of former Senate leaders...

Associated Press
Sen. Rob Mayer and his wife, Nancy, unveil a portrait of the senator which will now hang 
in the Missouri Senate's Pershing Gallery.
SUBMITTED photo Sen. Rob Mayer and his wife, Nancy, unveil a portrait of the senator which will now hang in the Missouri Senate's Pershing Gallery.

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -- In a special ceremony held Wednesday in the Missouri Senate's Pershing Gallery, which houses portraits of former Senate President Pro Tems, Senate Leader Robert N. Mayer, R-Dexter, had his image added to the gallery's prestigious list of former Senate leaders.

"It was an honor to look around during the ceremony and see many of the senators who have made their mark in this great building on behalf of the citizens of Missouri," said Mayer. "I am humbled and proud to be able to serve as the President Pro Tem of the Missouri Senate. I've enjoyed working hand-in-hand with members from my party and across the aisle in passing beneficial legislation for Missourians."

Mayer joins the ranks of former Senate leaders, including John E. Scott, 1983-1988; James L. Mathewson,1989-1996; William P. McKenna, 1997-1998; Edward Quick, 1999-2000; Lt. Gov. Peter D. Kinder, 2000-2004; Michael R. Gibbons, 2005-2008; and Charles W. Shields, 2009-2010.

Elected to the House of Representatives in 2001, and then to the Senate in 2004, Sen. Mayer has served 12 years in the General Assembly, two of which in the role of President Pro Tem. As leader of the upper chamber, Sen. Mayer is responsible for managing procedural functions and ruling on parliamentary matters, among other important duties.

"As a boy who grew up in a small community working on a farm, I never dreamed I would have the opportunity to serve in the legislature, much less in the role of Senate President Pro Tem," said Mayer. "It's been a challenging but

rewarding experience. With kind and encouraging words from my colleagues, both past and present, love and support from my family and friends, and God's good grace, I've been able to achieve what few will be able to experience in their lifetimes, and for that, I will be forever grateful."
