August 21, 2012

The Missouri Public Service Commission will hold a public hearing in Dexter tonight, Tuesday, Aug. 21, at the Dexter High School auditorium beginning at 6 p.m. The purpose of the hearing is to gain input from the public on a proposed rate increase by Ameren Missouri...

The Missouri Public Service Commission will hold a public hearing in Dexter tonight, Tuesday, Aug. 21, at the Dexter High School auditorium beginning at 6 p.m. The purpose of the hearing is to gain input from the public on a proposed rate increase by Ameren Missouri.

Ameren Missouri has proposed an increase on electric bills of $375.6 million. The request would mean an approximate increase of $14 per month for the average residential customer. The request also includes continuing its fuel adjustment clause that reflects changes in the cost of fuel used to generate electricity on customers' bills through a separately identified surcharge on credit outside a general rate case.

The meeting was originally scheduled for the old Armory, now the offices of the Bootheel Regional Planning and Economic Development Commission, but was moved to the high school auditorium last week.

A public informa-tion/question and answer session will take place, followed by sworn testimony from those who choose to make a statement.

Consumers unable to attend the meeting may make written comments to the Office of Public Counsel, P.O. Box 2230, Jefferson City, Mo. 65102-2230 or to the Missouri Public Service Commission, P.O. Box 360, Jefferson City, Mo. 65102. More information may be obtained by calling 1-800-392-4211 or 573-751-4857.
