Plans are being finalized for the 11th annual 18 Fore Life Charity Golf Event to be held in Dexter on Friday, June 1.
The Dexter-based organization each year raises money that is given in $1,000 increments directly to individuals facing the challenges of a cancer diagnosis.
The 18 Fore Life Charity Event was established in late 1999 when Scott Kruse of Dexter and a few friends got together and decided to hold a benefit golf tournament with proceeds to go to the charity named for the legendary V-Foundation in honor of Coach Jim Valvano. The group was inspired after its initial run in 2000 to keep the proceeds local -- and 18 Fore Life was conceived. Scott Kruse, with his wife, Kerri, head up the organization.
The 18 Fore Life Foundation was renamed the Ben Kruse 18 Fore Life Foundation in 2005 following the tragic death of the younger brother of Scott Kruse, whose memory is honored throughout the two-day event. The charity's humble beginning has evolved into an event the first weekend of June through which a total of $753,000 has been granted -- $1,000 at a time -- to area cancer patients. This year alone, 18 Fore Life presented a sum of $153,000 to area cancer victims in a faith-based effort to lighten the financial burden that accompanies every cancer diagnosis.
Several events throughout the year help support the foundation, including the Ben Kruse Crappie Tournament, Hits for Hope, Ten Pins for Ben, Clause for a Cause, and others.
The primary fundraiser, though, is the annual banquet and golf tournament in which 86 four-person teams participate at Hidden Trails Country Club.
It all takes place thanks to the help of a team consisting of more than 75 volunteers and sponsors, families, and a host of local businesses, Kruse says.
"My brother, Ben, helped found this charity," Scott Kruse explains. "He liked the fact that we were doing something simple, something good for others. His spirit carries on in all the people who make plans to come back to Dexter for one weekend in June to enjoy getting together and raising as much money as we can for families fighting cancer. Ben enjoyed the people being together, coming together and treating this like a reunion... This spirit carries on."
A banquet held the night prior to Saturday's golf tournament has historically featured a keynote speaker, usually in the sports world, whose life has been touched by cancer. The evening also features an address by an individual who has been a recipient of an 18 Fore Life offering during the previous year.
Past celebrity guest speakers have included Norm Stewart, the late Charlie Spoonhour, John Mabry, Brian Holman, Jon Sunvold, and David Porter.
This year organizers Scott and Kerri Kruse bring Christian motivational speaker, author and former Major League Baseball player David Dravecky to the podium.
"We look for this to be one of the most inspirational guests we've had," Kruse said this week. "Dave Dravecky has a story that will touch hearts and inspire us all. He's an awesome athlete and an even more awesome individual. We're very fortunate to have him coming to Dexter."
Dravecky is a former Major League baseball player for the San Diego Padres (1982--87) and San Francisco Giants (1987--89). He is well remembered for his battle against cancer, which ended his career as his team was reaching the 1989 World Series.
A left-handed pitcher, Dravecky was diagnosed with a cancerous desmoid tumor that was found in Dravecky's pitching arm at the height of his career. He underwent surgery on October 7, 1988, removing half of the deltoid muscle in his pitching arm and freezing the humerus bone in an effort to eliminate all of the cancerous cells. He eventually made a comeback, but suffered two breaks in the arm, the second of which was responsible for doctors finding that his cancer had reappeared. His career was over. He left a 64--57 record with 558 strikeouts and a 3.13 ERA in 1,062 innings. He was later awarded the 1989 Willie Mac Award honoring his spirit and leadership.
Dravecky's address will take place on the night of the 18 Fore Life Banquet on June 1, just before a live auction that will include a Hank Williams, Jr. autographed guitar. A raffle ticket will be drawn for a 2012 Black Club Car at the banquet as well. Those tickets may be purchased at Allen Christian Buick GMC in Dexter.
"It's going to be a big night," Kruse said. "Ben is watching over us all. He has done more for this charity from his place in heaven than he ever could have down here. He is making things happen every
day, and it is impacting others to 'Celebrate, Give, and Remember.'"