May 23, 2012

BLOOMFIELD, Mo. -- The Stoddard County Commission appointed Doug Siler of Puxico to the Stoddard County 911 Services Board of Directors at its regular meeting Monday at the Government Building. Siler will fill the at-large position representing the Puxico area. He replaces William Pogue who died recently...

Mike mccoy Statesman Staff Writer

BLOOMFIELD, Mo. -- The Stoddard County Commission appointed Doug Siler of Puxico to the Stoddard County 911 Services Board of Directors at its regular meeting Monday at the Government Building. Siler will fill the at-large position representing the Puxico area. He replaces William Pogue who died recently.

Commissioner Frank Sifford said County 911 Services Administrator submitted two names for consideration. The first name submitted was Danny Gentles, and the second name was Siler. Presiding Commissioner Greg Mathis said Gentles was a former Dexter police officer. Sifford said Siler was a long-time board member of Duck Creek Township. He also said Siler was recommended by Rick McLean, a member of the Stoddard County Ambulance District Board, and both boards worked closely together.

Sifford said he had spoken with Siler about whether he would be interested. He said Siler was active in the civic community in Puxico and agreed to take the position. He recommended appointing Siler to the board.

Mathis said he felt either one would be a good choice, and asked for a motion to appoint one of them.

Sifford made a motion to appoint Siler, and it was seconded by Commissioner Carol Jarrell. It passed by a 3-0 vote.
