May 17, 2012

A Dexter Street Department crew was busy Wednesday afternoon digging up a storm drain on the west side of Walnut Street near its intersection with Stoddard Street. The city is in the middle of an approximate $200,000 project to replace and make repairs to the storm drainage system in the downtown area. ...

Mike Mccoy Photo
story image illustation

A Dexter Street Department crew was busy Wednesday afternoon digging up a storm drain on the west side of Walnut Street near its intersection with Stoddard Street. The city is in the middle of an approximate $200,000 project to replace and make repairs to the storm drainage system in the downtown area. Much of this system has been in place since 1897. The city has hired Visu-Sewer of Wisconsin to run a camera through the city's storm drains, clean them and then install an apoxy sleeve through the old lines. In some instances, such as above, the old line was being removed by the city.
