It was announced Monday night that Stoddard St. will likely be closed, at least in part, later this week.
City Administrator Mark Stidham said the company doing the downtown sewer project will, by Wednesday or Thursday, be ready to cross Stoddard and begin working the other direction. As a result, a portion of the road will have to be closed.
Stidham said the city will do everything it can to ensure that any closure is as short-lived as possible.
Police officers will be downtown when it happens to help direct traffic.
If possible, Stidham said, they will keep Stoddard open in one lane, but there are no guarantees.
In other business, the Board of Aldermen changed hands Monday night - sort of.
The first meeting in May following an election is when the Dexter board has always installed its newly-elected officials. They did so again in 2012, only with no changes.
Among those elected in 2012 were Alderman Jerry Corder, Alderman Kent Essner, Alderman Ray Pixley and Alderman Tim Aslin who was elected to a one-year term to complete the term vacated when Dr. Rick Hux resigned from the board in early 2011.
Also re-elected was Mayor Joe Weber who was out of town and unable to attend the traditional swearing in ceremony. He will take his oath at a later date. Board President Kent Essner presided over the meeting.
Crystal Allstun was also re-elected to her position as city collector.
After going through its normal meeting, the Board adjourned for five-minute sine die before entering a second meeting with the new board where they are sworn in by City Clerk Crystal Bishop.
Additional items:
* Library Director Pam Trammell noted that the Stoddard County Genealogical Society will be hosting a workshop at the library on June 9 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
* Chamber of Commerce Director Janet Coleman noted that the Chamber has received a couple of inquiries from small businesses in the area trying to get started.
- Alderman Kirby Taylor inquired about the new tornado sirens and how the project was coming. Fire Chief Don Seymore said the sirens have been ordered and should arrive in six to eight weeks.
- Following the sine die adjournment before the swearing in ceremony, Tim Aslin was nominated to be the new president of the Board of Aldermen.