The City of Dexter has long been on top of emergency technology in various areas, but not in all.
Currently, three of the city's storm warning sirens range between 30 and 40 years old.
"Technology has changed a lot since then," said Fire Chief Don Seymore of the city's ailing warning system.
One of the four sirens is no longer working and in need of replacement. Seymore and City Administrator Mark Stidham requested Monday night that the board allow for the purchase of three new sirens.
While Seymore is still getting the final estimates, the project is believed to cost about $80,000.
Alderman Kirby Taylor of Ward Three made a motion to allow the purchase because "it's not worth the risk or liability to wait."
The purchase was approved, but has not yet been made as of presstime today.
While the siren system is not currently working at full capacity, the city is still reaching out to make emergency notifications to residents.
"In the mean time, our call-out system is working fine," Stidham said.
Alderman Taylor questioned whether cell phone users could be notified through the system and Seymore explained that they could.
"As long as they have a 573 area code and we have their [phone] number, it will call them," he said.
With many people continuing to drop their land lines in exchange for a cell phone, the call-out system would be a very limited function if it did not work with cell phones.
Seymore asked that anyone who wants their cellular or home telephone number included in the system contact Dexter City Hall at 624-5959.
He also mentioned that if you sometime arrive at home and see a call originating from the Dexter Fire Department, it is likely a result of a call from that system. There is no need to return the call.
Also Monday evening, Seymore named his appointments to various officers within the Fire Department.
Those named are:
* David Rowe as Assistant Chief
* Dale Rowe as Captain
* Gary Kinder as Lieutenant
* Jeremy Freeman as Lieutenant
* Greg Lintz as Lieutentant
* Landon Miller was also appointed as an on-call firefighter following a vacancy as a result of the promotions.