At just six years of age, Emma Kate Worley has already made an impact on the world around her.
The Dexter child has been part of the Stoddard County Relay for Life event for as long as she can recall. Her parents, Ben and Belinda Worley, have been avid supporters of Relay and have been heavily involved with the annual fundraising event for the American Cancer Society since its inception eight years ago.
The Worley family was especially moved to further the cause of Relay following the loss of Emma Kate's aunt, Marilyn Williams, in September 2009. Williams, who served as the 157th District State Representative for several years and was a local business owner, lost her battle with melanoma after a long and valiant fight. Her death inspired the Worleys to begin the "Auntie M Project," an annual event focusing on art projects involving children from the area, with proceeds going directly to the Stoddard County Relay.
"Emma Kate's projects have raised over $13,000 over the past three and one-half years," says her mother, Belinda. "We have sold her paintings all over the world, and this year, we're doing another canvas painting event for Relay."
When Emma Kate's abstract paintings first evolved in 2009, they were sold for $20 each. Every painting was unique and each was sold framed, bearing a short story on the back defining them as a tribute to her "Auntie M," as Emma Kate referred to the late Marilyn Williams.
The paintings quickly caught on. Toward Relay time, Belinda Worley, with Emma Kate in tow, could be seen traveling across Stoddard County delivering dozens of pre-ordered paintings stacked in the rear of her SUV.
A special piece of art done by the hand of Emma Kate hangs in the former office of Williams in Jefferson City, where she served for a time as director of Professional Registration for the state of Missouri.
This year, Emma Kate continues her Auntie M Project with a painting event slated for Saturday, April 28 at Bootheel Pediatric Therapy, which is located on the west end of the Dexter Chamber of Commerce building on Market Street.
The event will take place from 9 a.m. until about noon. Every child participating at a cost of $20 (early bird registration) or $25 (at the door) will receive a 2012 project T-shirt and the opportunity to paint a canvas.
"These make one-of-a kind Mother's Day gifts," says Belinda Worley, "and all proceeds go to Relay for Life."
Early bird registration ends Saturday, April 14. For information and to register for the 2012 "Aunti M Project," call 573-421-1100.