Statesman Staff Writer
The Bootheel Regional Planning and Economic Development Commission (BPRC) received a Department of Commerce grant in the amount of $62,000, it was announced by Rep. Jo Ann Emerson this week.
BRPC is one of three agencies in the Eighth Congressional District to receive grants. The others were a $65,000 grant to the Southeast Misouri Regional Plannind and Economic Development Commission in Perryville and a $62,000 grant to the South Central Ozarks Council of Governments in Pamona.
According to Grant Specialist Connie Duke, the grant will go to helping cities and towns in the Bootheel to plan and implement programs to increase economic development. BRPC works with local entities to obtain grants, loans and other sources of funding.
"No issue is more important than bringing new jobs to Southern Missouri, protecting and promoting out economic growth," said Emerson. "Countless people are working across out congressional district to create opporunities and to grow jobs. These funds will really help speed and expand their good efforts."