Citing growing concern for the direction of our state and nation and at the urging of area and state business leaders, farmers, and educators, Poplar Bluff businessman Doug Libla has announced his intention to run as a conservative Republican for the Missouri State Senate in the 25th District.
"When I look at government, I see too much spending, too much debt, too many job killing regulations, too many taxes, and not enough respect for the rights and freedoms of individuals and businesses which is affecting their ability to prosper and grow in our communities. I intend to roll up my sleeves in Jefferson City and get to work on changing things". Libla said.
Libla, as co-owner of Poplar Bluff-based Mid Continent Nail Corporation, says he'll bring extensive real--world business and job creation experience to the campaign. While claiming not to be a politician and having never run for office prior to this campaign, Libla says he is a "political outsider," and says he'll bring first-hand knowledge of the challenges of meeting a payroll and competing in tough economic times to the campaign.
"When I look across the 25th District, from Doniphan to Dexter, Piedmont to Caruthersville and in between, we have been exporting too many jobs overseas and too many of our young people are having to move to big cities to make a living" Libla says. "We are still not able to export enough of our Missouri agriculturally grown and manufactured products, and I intend to work diligently on these issues to help all of our family owned farms and businesses".
Libla states his intention to run as a conservative Republican, citing his strong pro-life, pro-gun rights, and anti-tax increases, and says there are many more issues that need immediate attention.
"My campaign will be centered on improving the quality of life in the 25th District" he says. "That means improving education, job training opportunities and working to attract more family sustaining careers".
Libla and his wife of 38 years, Elaine, were raised in Wayne County, graduated from Greenville school system and reside in Poplar Bluff. They have one daughter, Cassie, and son-in-law Daniel, and two grandsons, Noah and Josiah.
Libla is a board member of the following groups; Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), Three Rivers Endowment Trust, Poplar Bluff Regional Medical Center, The TAC committee of Ozark Foothills Regional Planning Commission, Past President, charter member, and current Troop E Director of the Missouri Association of State Troopers Emergency Relief Society "The MASTERS".
The newest candidate for Mayer's seat says he looks forward to meeting and hearing the concerns from the citizens of the 25th District as he campaigns through all seven counties.
"For those who want to further the conservative path set out by current Senator Rob Mayer and continue the fight against excessive spending, debt and liberalism, I invite you to join us in the campaign," he says.
Mayer will term out of his Senate seat in 2012. Libla is the fourth to announce his candidacy for the position. He joins current State Representative Billy Pat Wright (R-159) of Dexter, State Representative Terry Swinger (D-162) of Caruthersville, and another Poplar Bluff businessman, Jeff Shawan.