ESSEX, Mo. - Mae Hall Day is is planned once again in Essex for Saturday, Aug. 13.
The Essex Area Development, Inc., a non-profit community based organization whose members are local residents with an interest in community betterment within the city of Essex, and the Essex/Gray Ridge Lions Club are sponsoring the annual event at Mae Hall Park on Highway 114 in Essex. Events kick off at 9:30 a.m. and conclude at 3:30 p.m.
Crafts, food, pageants and entertainment will be featured throughout the day. There will also be children's activities including frog jumping, turtle racing and a water balloon toss. Also the Air-Evac helicopter will be there.
This marks the 38th annual event in Essex.
The annual event is a fundraiser for the Lions Club with the proceeds going to provide eye glasses to those that cannot afford them. The Lions Club provides barbecue, grilled hamburgers and soft drinks at the pavilion in the park.
Information regarding the event can be obtained by calling Janet Palmer at 421-9153. Pageant information can be obtained by calling Judy Ackman at 624-1389.