March 10, 2020

Stoddard County Warranty Deeds County Recorder Kay Asbell Feb. 24-28, 2020 • Dreammaker Properties to Cassandra M. Summers. Carter’s Park Addition No. 2 Dexter Block 6 Lots 11-12. • Jeffery S. Bien and Wendy Jo Bien to Gunnar Bollinger and Paige Westrich. Parkview Acres Block 2 Lots 1-2...

Stoddard County

Warranty Deeds

County Recorder

Kay Asbell

Feb. 24-28, 2020

• Dreammaker Properties to Cassandra M. Summers. Carter’s Park Addition No. 2 Dexter Block 6 Lots 11-12.

• Jeffery S. Bien and Wendy Jo Bien to Gunnar Bollinger and Paige Westrich. Parkview Acres Block 2 Lots 1-2.

• Fred Riddle and Juanita Riddle to KJS Dexter Rentals. Original Town Dexter Block 16 Lots 6-7.

• Brandi Oxendine, Brandi Silvery and Connie Sue Davis to Brandi Oxendine. West Ridge Subdivision Dexter Lot 2.

• JSR Properties and Investments to Levi A. Limbaugh and Bethany K. Limbaugh. Section 33 Township 25 Range 10.

• JSR Properties and Investments to Thomas W. Espey Jr. and Jerrica M. Espey. SEC 33 TWP 25 R 10.

• Tonya N. Lynxwiler to Valery G. Yeakey. SEC 13 TWP 26 R 10.

• Lawrence Allen Carwile to Jeff Riddle. Hickory Plaza Commercial Park Addition Dexter Lot 28.

• James Rice and Samantha Rice to Christopher Huggins and Andriel Huggins. Original Town Bernie Block 16 Lots 3-5.

• William Abbott and Carolyn Abbott to Kevin Holman and Toni Holman. SEC 4 TWP 25 R 11.

• Bernie Development Association Inc. to Hope International Inc. SEC 3 TWP 23 R 10.

• James Wood and Patricia Wood to James Wood, Patricia Wood and Pamela Diane Heaton. SEC 35 TWP 26, R 10.

• Dexter Ag Service Inc. to Dexter Ag. SEC 25 TWP 25 R 10.

• Gibson Family Trust to Jackie Brandon Cobb and Violet Ann Cobb. Colonial Ridge Estates Lots 1-2.

• Dexter Ag Service Inc. to Dexter Ag. SEC 25 TWP 25 R 10.

• M6 Properties to Hubert Neeley and Teresa Neeley. O’Heren Addition Bernie Block 2 Lots 3-4.

• Brandi Geohagan, Ashley Geohagan and Brandi Meese to Brandi Morgan. Pfeffer Subdivision Block F Lots 1-2.

• L. Dwayne Hackworth, Brian L. Hart and Nancy K. Hart to Peoples Community Bank. Original Town Puxico Block 12 Lots 5-6. Harty’s Addition Puxico Block 3 Lots 10-12.

• Don Hudson and Tana Hudson to Kevin Hawkins and Nanie Hawkins. Joe A. Reilly Survey Lot 3.

• Westside Southern Baptist to Jerry M. Willis and Judy F. Willis. Sycamore Flats Dexter Block 1 Lots 3-4.

• Ronald L. Edwards to Ronald L. Edward, Ronald L. Edward II and Parish L. Edward. SEC 9 TWP 26 R 10. SEC 31 TWP 26 R 10. SEC 36 TWP 26 R 9. SEC 6 TWP 25 R 10. SEC 20 and 29 TWP 27 R 10. SEC 1 TWP 25 R 9. SEC 17-19 TWP 27 R 10.

• Charles Leible, Terri Leible, Eddie Ray Kerley and Shelley D. Kerley to JP Morgan Chase Bank. SEC 24 TWP 26 R 8.

• Ivan Mekan and Robbin Annette Mekan to Sharon K. Sides. Briney and Walker Addition Bernie Block 4 Lots 9-10.

• R. Leroy Steger Trust and Gloria J. Steger Trust to Dannon Ray Thomas. SEC 26 TWP 28 R 11.

• G. Sue Grobe to Gerald Willems. Cedar Hills Subdivision Lot 25.

• Land and Lot to Brehmer Investments. R.L. Hayes Addition Dexter Block 5 Lots 17-19.

• Lavern H. Daves Trust to Judith L. Daves Trust to Robinn Daves Huey. Hickory Hills Subdivision Dexter Block 1 Lots 13-14.

Civil Cases Filed

• BRITTANY N MARCH V DAVID L MARCH: Dissolution with children.

• JACQULIN BRADSHAW V BILL E BRADSHAW: Dissolution without children.

• JIMMY E WALKER V SARAH E WALKER: Dissolution without children.

• CHRISTY L WILSON V JAMES R WILSON: Dissolution with children.

• HANNAH G CLARK V DYLAN R CLARK: Dissolution without children.

• KIMBERLY CAGLE V DEONTE STRACENER: Dissolution without children.

Marriage Licenses Filed

• Jim Franklin Rampley III, 30, of Cape Girardeau, to Jasmine Renee Johnson, 25, of Bell City.

• Dustin Verble Beeghly, 31, of Bloomfield, to Stephanie Caitlin Beeghly, 30, Bloomfield.

• Bennie Leroy Wells, 48, of Malden, to Wanda Maria Costa, 59, of Malden.

• Lonnie E. Webb, 56, of Dexter, to Catherine Ann Smallwood, 52, of Dexter.

Criminal Cases Filed

• ST V RICKY FOSTER: Possession of controlled substance (35 grams or less of marijuana/synthetic cannabinoid).

• ST V PHILLIP TANNER: Unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia. Driver/front seat passenger failure to wear properly adjusted/fastened safety belt.

• ST V TIMOTHY BARNES JR: DWI. Unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia. Possession of marijuana/synthetic cannabinoid (10 grams or less). Driver/front seat passenger failure to wear properly adjusted/fastened safety belt. Failure to display plates on motor vehicle/trailer.

• ST V RICKY WILLIAMS: Passing bad check.

• ST V NATALIE STONECIPHER: Three counts of passing bad check.

• ST V LAUREN THORNE: Passing bad check.

• ST V DAVID HELTON: Two counts of passing bad check.

• ST V RICKY WILLIAMS: Passing bad check.

• ST V RODNEY D REEVES: Failure to register as a sex offender.

• ST V NICHOLE KING: Three counts of passing bad check.

• ST V TIFFANY M JONES: Possession of controlled substance (35 grams or less of marijuana/synthetic cannabinoid). Driving while revoked/suspended. Operating motor vehicle owned by another knowing owner of vehicle has not maintained financial responsibility. Driver/front seat passenger failure to wear properly adjusted/fastened safety belt.

• ST V CHANDREA LYNNE GILMORE: Nonsupport, total arrears in excess of 12 monthly payments due under order of support.

• ST V THOMAS A CHRISTIAN: Second-degree trafficking drugs. Unlawful use of weapon (possess weapon and felony controlled substance).

• ST V STEPHANIE LYNE MARSHALL: Nonsupport, total arrears in excess of 12 monthly payments due under order of support.

• ST V CALEB COCKRELL: Stealing (motor vehicle/watercraft/aircraft).

• ST V JOSEPH TAYLOR CRISEL: First-degree tampering with a motor vehicle. Receiving stolen property.

• ST V VICTOR LEE TURNER: Discharging/shooting firearm at or from motor vehicle/shoot at person, motor vehicle or building/habitable structure (prior offender). First-degree property damage.

• ST V LUKE CANNON MOORE: Two counts discharging/shooting firearm at or from motor vehicle/shoot at person, motor vehicle or building/habitable structure (prior offender). Three counts of first-degree property damage. Unlawful use of weapon (discharging into home, motor vehicle or other transportion).

• ST V ROBIN SUE BENFIELD: DWI (physical injury). Leaving scene of accident (property damage exceeding $1,000). Operating motor vehicle in careless and imprudent manner, involving accident. Failure to register motor vehicle. Two counts of fourth-degree assault (special victims). Driver/front seat passenger failure to wear properly adjusted/fastened safety belt. Driver failure to secure child less than 16 years old in properly adjusted/fastened restraint.

• ST V ERIC M BELL: Second-degree burglary. Stealing ($750 or more).

• ST V BRANDON LEE CAMPBELL: Second-degree domestic assault. Five years of probation.

• ST V FRANK R MCROY: First-degree sexual abuse.

Traffic Violations

• ST V JOSHUA GARRETT HULVEY: Operating motor vehicle with vision-reducing material applied to windshield/excess vision-reducing material applied to side window. Fined $50.50 and court costs.

• ST V JIMI DELL KRUEL: Failure to register motor vehicle.

• ST V QUALANDRIAUN CARLECE FITZGERALD: Exceeded posted speed limit (by 16-19 mph).

• ST V TINA L DANIEL: Failure to register motor vehicle. Fined $50.50 and court costs.

• ST V TYLER ROBERT CRAMER: Exceeded posted speed limit (by 16-19 mph). Fined $100.50 and court costs.

• ST V HALEY ELIZABETH LACK: Exceeded posted speed limit (by 16-19 mph). Fined $100.50 and court costs.

• ST V WYATT COLE MAYBERRY: Operating motor vehicle with vision-reducing material applied to windshield/excess vision-reducing material applied to side window. Fined $50.50 and court costs.

• ST V THOMAS PEREZ JR.: Exceeded posted speed limit (by 16-19 mph). Fined $100.50 and court costs.
