The Puxico School Board approved several board policy updates and heard a student assessment report at its October meeting.
Assessment Report
The student assessment report was presented by the Puxico Elementary instructional coach Tammy Thompson. The assessment compares test scores for three different test for the years 2018-2021. It should be noted that the 2020 scores are unavailable due to the COVID-19 shutdown of the schools in Missouri. Because of this, the tests were not administered.
The tests used for this assessment are the Missouri Assessment Program test (MAP), the End of Course test (EOC), the ACT test and the Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), which is administered to juniors. Thompson handed out a breakdown of these scores to the school board members.
Theses tests are administered annually and provide the district information as to what areas of study the students may need more assistance in. Thompson said the district can take this information and create additional questions in the subject the student may need additional work in and allow them to practice and get additional work in the subject in question.
Policy Updates
Superintendent Cindy Crabb presented the proposed policy changes to the board. The policies are recommended to the board by the Missouri Consultants for Education (MCE). Some policies established by the MCE are mandatory so as to be in compliance with legal requirements.
The policies addressed a number of issues including school board elections, meeting policies, reporting of abuse and leave policy.
Other Business
Crabb said during her report that the district has kicked off its targeted content tutoring program. She said the district would offer busing on its four tutoring days.
Crabb also said food programs across the nation are seeing shortages but thus far the Puxico School District has not felt the effects of these shortages. Crabb stated the kitchen staff is doing a good job with planning and ordering.
Crabb said a planning meeting is upcoming to discuss the elementary school. She said building costs have gone up and will have to be taken into consideration as the way forward is decided.
Crabb said the high school has a major issue involving a leak through the masonry. She said the district has had companies on campus to look at the problem and advise the best way to address it. She said the district is still gathering information.
Executive Session
In the executive session the board accepted letters of retirement from Lora Williams and Tina Massey.
The board approved Patricia Dunivan, Lois Link, Jackie griffith, Shannon Seward, Angela Watkins and Marilyn Poole (pending certification if needed) as substitute teachers.
David Mayberry was approved as a substitute bus driver.