NewsFebruary 10, 2023

Molly Simmons sings the national anthem.
Molly Simmons sings the national anthem.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
The Kickin' Cats perform at Homecoming.
The Kickin' Cats perform at Homecoming.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
The Kickin' Cats perform at Homecoming.
The Kickin' Cats perform at Homecoming.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
The Dexter Cheerleaders throw T-shirts to the fans.
The Dexter Cheerleaders throw T-shirts to the fans.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
The Dexter basketball team signs trading cards in the lobby before the varsity game.
The Dexter basketball team signs trading cards in the lobby before the varsity game.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
The Dexter basketball team signs trading cards in the lobby before the varsity game.
The Dexter basketball team signs trading cards in the lobby before the varsity game.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
The Dexter Cheerleaders perform at Homecoming.
The Dexter Cheerleaders perform at Homecoming.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
The Kickin' Cats perform at Homecoming.
The Kickin' Cats perform at Homecoming.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
The Kickin' Cats perform at Homecoming.
The Kickin' Cats perform at Homecoming.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
The Kickin' Cats perform at Homecoming.
The Kickin' Cats perform at Homecoming.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
The Kickin' Cats perform at Homecoming.
The Kickin' Cats perform at Homecoming.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers
The Kickin' Cats perform at Homecoming.
The Kickin' Cats perform at Homecoming.DEXTER STATESMAN/Josh Ayers

Dexter High School celebrated its Winter Homecoming Friday night hosting the Kennett Indians.
