December 6, 2023

The November Dexter School Board meeting opened with resident, Jason Ryan speaking to the board. Ryan said he had met previously with administration and board members. He had requested different procedures in the posting of school board meeting agendas and minutes. The notices and minutes are now posted on the website as discussed in the previous meeting...

The November Dexter School Board meeting opened with resident, Jason Ryan speaking to the board. Ryan said he had met previously with administration and board members. He had requested different procedures in the posting of school board meeting agendas and minutes. The notices and minutes are now posted on the website as discussed in the previous meeting.

Ryan thanked the board for implementing the procedures. Ryan requested the district post the meeting notice sooner to allow the public more time to register to speak at the meeting or review the agenda.

The board approved the Director of Special Services, Jessica Lambert, as the Foster Care Liaison,the Migrant Liaison, and the ELL Liaison.

School Calendar

Superintendent Amy James said a survey was conducted with the district staff in regards to what the staff wanted on the school calendar. A committee constructed two calendar opotion with the survey results and state requirements.

The staff then voted on the calendar options. The option selected by the staff consists of 164 school days, six teacher professional development days and one parent teacher conference day. The first semester is 80 days and the second semester 84 days. The board approved this calendar.

Superintends Report

James said the CSIP, pre-planning guide, and response to standards is currently being reviewed by a committee.   In regards to the DCI program, administrators and the math curriculum team have had their 2nd meeting regarding DACL.  The district have several teachers participating in LETRS training. 

James was informed the district received the  DESE State-Evidence Based Reading Program Grant.  This will allow the district to be reimbursed the $500 stipend paid to these staff members for the additional work this program requires. 

Executive Session

The board approved Charlene Decker, Shanna Green, Cecilia Lanpher, Rachel Jones and Megan Williams as substitutes for the 2023-24 school year pending a favorable background check and sub certification.

The board approved the following resignations, retirements, recensions: Delissa Sitze-Choir at T.S. Hill Middle School, retirement effective at the conclusion of the 2023-24 school year,

Eric Sitze-Dexter High School Physical Education/Girls Varsity Head Basketball/Head Golf, retirement effective at the conclusion of the 23-24 school year, Marcella Burkhart-Bus Driver, resignation effective on 11/8/2023 aand Chassi Zook-Building Aide at T.S. Hill Middle School, resignation effective on11/6/2023.

The board approved the hiring of James Tucker-Bus Driver, full time, Hannah Emery-Building Aide, T. S. Hill Middle School, Lindsay Jarrett-Special Services Paraprofessional, Central Elementary, B. Jenkins-cooperating teacher and Audrey Woods-Special Services Paraprofessional, High School, L. Woods-cooperating teacher for the 2023-2024 school year, pending a favorable background check and appropriate certification:

The board approved the following transfers:Tabatha Felker, from special services aide at Central to ECSE aide at Southwest, effective immediately and Alexis Lovins, from 4th grade ELA to 5th grade math for the 24-25 school year.

The board approved the semester graduates who have fulfilled all graduation requirements. The board approved the hiring of Nancy Langley as the T.S Hill Middle School Principal for the 2024-25 school year. 
