BLOOMFIELD, Mo. -- The Stoddard County Commission approved a 2014 budget that showed $7,848,994 in total revenues with $7.898.573.72 in expenditures. The commission met Tuesday due to the holiday on Monday. The budget as approved cut $137,559 from the amount requested by the various offices in the county.
Over $2 million in revenue is designated to roads and bridges and goes to townships and special road districts.
The anticipated revenues in the county revenue fund for 2014 were $4,171,960.
As a comparison, the final county revenue received in 2013 was $$6,647,907,61 while 2013 expenditures totaled $6,372,207.39.
The budget shows cost of living salary increases of 1.5 percent for office holders and employees. Some employees also received merit increases based on a system established by office holders and the commission.
The 2014 budget includes the addition of a road deputy in the sheriff's office and the purchase of two new patrol vehicles.
Presiding Commission Greg Mathis said the commission made a commitment to replace two patrol vehicles per year. He said the county had been fortunate for two years in that they received a USDA Rural Development matching grant to purchase the vehicles. Rural Development paid 55 percent, while the county paid 45 percent. Mathis noted that Rural Development funds were no longer available, so the county will pay the full cost. The commission budgeted $72,000 for patrol vehicle purchases.
The commission held a budget hearing to begin the meeting, but there were no officeholders or members of the public present to comment. The commission has met with officeholders several times to gain input into the budget.
The budget for expenditures was as follows for the major offices:
County Commission -- $117,835.53. That includes salaries of $33,545.79 for presiding commissioner and $31,515.75 for the two commissioners.
Clerk -- $103,033.98. for the clerk's office and $165,968 for election/voter registration. The expenditures includes a salary of $47,045.25 for the county clerk and 1.5 percent increases for three employees.
Collector/Treasurer -- $228,291.26. The amount includes $59,304.79 for recorder/treasurer salary and 1.5 percent salary increases for four employees.
Buildings and Grounds -- $272,103. The expenditures include $55,000 for repairs and upkeep and a 1.5 percent increase for the building superintendent.
Employee fringe benefits -- $444,000.
Recorder -- $162,183.80. The expenditures includes a recorder salary of $47,045.25 and a 1.5 percent increase for three employee positions.
Emergency Management -- $36,481. The amount includes a director's salary of $20,550.
Prosecuting Attorney -- $181,576.98. The expenditures include a salary of $57,195.25 for the prosecutor and 1.5 percent increases for two employees. The assistant prosecutor salary was $41,800. Also under the prosecutor's office is the child support division which has a expenditure budget of $48,541 and training expenditures of $2,666.18 and $35,267,25.
Juvenile Office -- $227,244.
Coroner -- $45,014.57. The amount includes a salary of $17,610.21 for the coroner.
Sheriff -- $1,323,384.99. The expenditures include a salary of $52,120.25 for the sheriff and a 1.5 percent increase in salary for the chief deputy, jail administrator, deputies, jailers and dispatchers. It also includes $102,500 for car maintenance and vehicle gas/oil. Also in the expenditure budget is $65,000 for the commissary account, $30,000 for civic processing ands $20,000 in the sheriff's revolving fund.
Public Administrator -- $135,187.48. The expenditures include a public administrator salary of $47,045.25 and a 1.5 percent increase for a full-time position. It also elevates one part-time worker to a full time position.
Juvenile Detention Facility -- $208,700.
Assessor -- $380,657.40. The amount includes a salary of $47,045.25 for the assessor and salary increases for six employees.
The budgeted revenues for 2014 in the larger fund categories were as follows:
Taxes -- $28,790.
Licenses and Permits -- $16,900.
Fees -- $793,300. Of that amount, $500,000 comes from collector fees and commissions and $170,000 comes from recorder fees.
County Sales Tax -- $2,720,000.
State Grants -- $44,500. The county received a grant for a juvenile officer.
Miscellaneous -- $412,570. The largest amounts are in the form of court costs, $170,000, and support enforcement in the PA's office, $48,570.
Juvenile Detention -- $76,700.
Commercial Property Surcharge -- $110,000.
Crime Reduction/L.E. Restitution -- $50,300.
Sheriff's Revolving Fund -- $32,800.
General School Fund -- $85,400.
Court Costs paid by state -- $180,000.
The Stoddard County Commission voted to put the repeal of use tax on the April 8 election ballot.
Gov. Jay Nixon signed legislation earlier this year that would allow local governments across the state to collect sales tax on vehicles bought out of state or on sales of vehicles between two individuals. The The Missouri Supreme Court had ruled that sales tax cannot be collected on out-of-state purchases, ruling instead that it required a use tax. The legislator passed a bill to restore the tax and it was signed by Nixon.
The legislation stipulates that within two years local governments that did not previously have a voter-approved use tax must give voters a chance to repeal the titling sales tax for vehicles bought out of state or from individuals.
The wording on the April 8 ballot will be as follows:
"Shall the County of Stoddard discontinue applying and collecting the local sales tax on the titling of motor vehicles, trailers, boats and outboad motors that were purchased from a source other than a licensed Missouri dealer? Approval of this measure will result in a reduction of local revenue to provide vital services for Stoddard County and it will place Missouri dealers of motor vehicles, outboard motors, boats and trailers at a competitive disadvantage to non-Missouri dealers of motor vehicles, outboard motors, boats and trailers."
The question is followed by a "Yes or No" vote.