March 26, 2014

To become four-day morning edition

The Daily Statesman will be changing its print and delivery schedule from five days a week to four beginning Tuesday, April 1.

"Over the past several months, the Daily Statesman has made a concerted effort to continue and expand on local news coverage," said General Manager Bobby Greer. "Localizing news coverage is key in the newspaper business."

"The print schedule change is part of our continuing effort to bring readers news and sports coverage they can't get by turning to national or regional news outlets," he said. Wednesdays are historically the slowest news day as church activities take up a considerable portion of the time of many of the community members, Greer noted in making the announcement on Monday."We will no longer print a Thursday paper, but we are committed to bringing our readers all the news they received before, just in one fewer print day per week," Greer said. "Our news department will continue breaking-news coverage online and with Textcaster alerts, so readers should continue to trust us with providing them timely news reporting."

The coming changes will not mean a reduction in local news or in the news staff at The Daily Statesman.

"Instead of being a five-day newspaper with a five-day website, think of us as a four-day newspaper with a seven-day website," Greer said. "The hope is that through our digital and social avenues, we will be able to better bring you the local news you need, when you need it."

With changes in technology and throughout the media industry, the hope is to get the news out to the general public faster than we ever have.

"With the timeliness of stories being one of the largest struggles for newsrooms, our digital platform will make it possible for us to bypass that wall and give Stoddard County the best quality news coverage they can ask for," Greer said.

Another change that will begin on April 1 involves the manner in which the paper is delivered. All issues will be sent through the mail beginning with the April 1 edition, eliminating the carrier deliveries.

"This change is perhaps the most significant one for our readers," Greer explained. "The Daily Statesman is basically changing to a morning paper, rather than an afternoon publication. The U.S. Post Office has assured us that papers will reach the hands of our readers locally on the same day of publication."

The changes, Greer stated, will save considerable production and distribution costs and strengthen the paper's ability to provide the best news coverage possible in print and online.

Print subscribers will still have free access to the website. "Our newsroom will continue to update with breaking news and sports, along with features and other stories, throughout the day and evening. Readers will also still receive all the stories in the print edition four days a week," explained Greer.

"It's no secret that prices for all products have steadily increased over the years. It's no different in the newspaper industry. Newsprint, postage costs, and overall materials have seen significant increases, and the steps we are taking are our solution to keep up with the changing industry."

"Instead of passing on the cost increases to our readers, we made the decision to eliminate the Thursday edition of The Daily Statesman. This change will allow us to remain the leader in local news coverage for many years to come," Greer further explained.

Greer explained that readers will not lose a day's printed edition during this transition. Those who are current subscribers will have their subscription extended by the number of days they will miss during the remainder of their subscription.

The Daily Statesman will now print on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. The issue that will be published on Saturday morning will become The Daily Statesman Weekend Edition.

Readers are invited to follow the news online at
